sex-influenced inheritance

sex-in·flu·enced in·her·i·tance

inheritance that is autosomal but has a different intensity of expression in the two sexes, for example, male pattern baldness.

sex-in·flu·enced in·her·i·tance

(seks-in'flū-ĕnst in-her'i-tăns) Inheritance that is autosomal but has a different intensity of expression in the two sexes (e.g., male pattern baldness).

sex-influenced inheritance

Inherited traits for which the genes are on autosomes, but their expression is influenced by the sex chromosomes (e.g., the reproductive organs).See also: inheritance

sex-in·flu·enced in·her·i·tance

(seks-in'flū-ĕnst in-her'i-tăns) Autosomal inheritance that has a different intensity of expression in two sexes, e.g., male pattern baldness.