S 3

heart sounds

 the sounds heard on the surface of the chest in the heart region; they are amplified by and heard more distinctly through a stethoscope. They are caused by the vibrations generated during the normal cardiac cycle and may be produced by muscular action, valvular actions, motion of the heart, or blood passing through the heart.
The first heart sound (S1) is heard as a firm but dull “lubb” sound. It consists of four components: a low-frequency, indistinct vibration caused by ventricular contraction; a louder sound of higher frequency caused by closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves; a vibration caused by opening of the semilunar valves and early ejection of blood from the ventricles; and a low-pitched vibration produced by rapid ejection.
The second heart sound (S2) is shorter and higher pitched than the first, is heard as a “dupp” and is produced by closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves.
The third heart sound (S3) is very faint and is caused by blood rushing into the ventricles. It can be heard in most normal persons between the ages of 10 and 20 years.
The fourth heart sound (S4) is rarely audible in a normal heart but can be demonstrated on graphic records. It is short and of low frequency and intensity, and is caused by atrial contraction. The vibrations arise from atrial muscle and from blood flow into, and distention of, the ventricles.Abnormalities in Heart Sounds. Decreased compliance of a ventricle is characterized by a gallop" >gallop or triple rhythm. Accentuation of the third heart sound (protodiastolic or ventricular gallop) is caused by the filling of a poorly compliant ventricle with blood under high venous pressure. A presystolic or atrial gallop is an accentuated fourth heart sound and is also caused by blood filling a poorly compliant ventricle. Merging of the third and fourth heart sounds is called a mesodiastolic or summation gallop. A very rare abnormality in which four heart sounds are heard distinctly is called a “locomotive” rhythm.
Heart Murmurs are sounds other than the normal heart sounds emanating from the heart region. They are often heard as blowing or hissing sounds as blood leaks back through diseased and malfunctioning valves or as blood is pushed through narrowed or stenotic valve orifices.
Precordial locations for cardiac palpation and auscultation of heart sounds. Closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves produces the S1 heart sound; closure of the pulmonic and aortic (semilunar) valves produces the S2 sound. From Polaski and Tatro, 1996.

Patient discussion about S 3

Q. hi everyone, I am in my 3 trimester….. hi everyone, I am in my 3 trimester….. it is going good ……and I am wondering about my regular period after giving birth...would it come at a normal cycle, or would It still be a little messed up on its schedule??...thanks!A. Women who don't breastfeed find that their cycles resume very quickly as early as four to ten weeks after childbirth.
if you do breastfeed- depends on the time you breastfeed.

Q. I heard that omega 3 is good for autoimmune diseases- is that true? I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and I take all sort of anti inflammatory drugs. And I heard I can take omega 3 and I’ll be able to cut down the medication.A. According to studies Omega 3 fatty acids have anti inflammatory effects and a lot of other helpful qualities. Here is a some articles I found about it. Any way you should consult your doctor maybe for you specific- it won’t help. But here it is:

Q. My Sister has Diarrhea for 3 days is it Salmonella? My Sister and I went out to a Chinese restaurant last week to celebrate my Birthday. A couple of days later my Sister became ill and has stomach aches and diarrhea. Is it Salmonella?A. If the illness was caused by eating in the restaurant, then it could be Salmonella or food poisoning.
Salmonella are usually transmitted to humans by eating foods contaminated with animal feces. Contaminated foods usually look and smell normal. Contaminated foods are often of animal origin, such as beef, poultry, milk, or eggs, but all foods, including vegetables may become contaminated. Many raw foods of animal origin are frequently contaminated, but fortunately, thorough cooking kills Salmonella. Food may also become contaminated by the unwashed hands of an infected food handler, who forgot to wash his or her hands with soap after using the bathroom.

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