amotivational syndrome

amotivational syndrome

A popular term for the lack of desire to participate in social activities, personal interests, professional pursuits and interpersonal relationships. Authors in the 1970s to mid-1980s attributed the lack of motivation to marijuana abuse; the term was adopted by popular culture and was said to most commonly affect young men, the learning disabled, and emotionally immature individuals. The World Health Organisation has deemed there to be is no evidence to support the diagnosis of amotivational syndrome.

amotivational syndrome

Substance abuse A condition linked to chronic marijuana abuse, which most commonly affects young, learning disabled, and emotionally immature individuals. See 'Gateway' drugs, Marijuana.

amotivational syndrome

(ā″mōt″ĭ-vā′shŏn-ăl) [ ¹an- + motivational] Lack of interest in activities, reduced attention and concentration, apathy, and passivity. It has been reported in association with some neuropsychiatric disorders, e.g., depression, schizophrenia, and traumatic brain injury, and with use of drugs, e.g., marijuana and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

amotivational syndrome

An effect of prolonged heavy use of MARIJUANA (cannabis). There is apathy, unwillingness to persist at any task and usually a gain in weight.