tympanomastoid fissure

tym·pa·no·mas·toid fis·sure

[TA] a fissure that separates the tympanic portion from the mastoid portion of the temporal bone; it transmits the auricular branch of the vagus nerve. Synonym(s): fissura tympanomastoidea [TA], auricular fissure, tympanomastoid suture

tym·pa·no·mas·toid fis·sure

(tim'pă-nō-mas'toyd fish'ŭr) [TA] A fissure separating the tympanic portion from the mastoid portion of the temporal bone; it transmits the auricular branch of the vagus nerve.

tym·pa·no·mas·toid fis·sure

(tim'pă-nō-mas'toyd fish'ŭr) [TA] A fissure that separates the tympanic portion from the mastoid portion of the temporal bone; it transmits the auricular branch of the vagus nerve.
Synonym(s): auricular fissure.