Tyndall phenomenon

Tyn·dall phe·nom·e·non

(tin'dĕl), the visibility of floating particles in gases or liquids when illuminated by a ray of sunlight and viewed at right angles to the illuminating ray. Synonym(s): Tyndall effect

Tyn·dall phe·nom·e·non

(tin'dăl fĕ-nom'ĕ-non) The visibility of floating particles in gases or liquids when illuminated by a ray of sunlight and viewed at right angles to the illuminating ray.


John, English physicist, 1820-1893. Tyndall effect - Synonym(s): Tyndall phenomenonTyndall light - light that is reflected by gas- or liquid-suspended particles.Tyndall phenomenon - the visibility of floating particles in gases or liquids when illuminated by a ray of sunlight and viewed at right angles to the illuminating ray. Synonym(s): Tyndall effecttyndallization - exposure to a temperature of 100°C (flowing steam) for a definite period, usually an hour, on each of several days. Synonym(s): fractional sterilization