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-type n, combining form1. type or form: archetype. 2. (Photography) printing type or photographic process: collotype. [from Latin -typus, from Greek -typos, from tupos type]type (taɪp) n., v. typed, typ•ing. n. 1. a class, group, or category of things or persons sharing one or more characteristics: people of a criminal type; a car of the luxury type. 2. a thing or person regarded as a member of a class or category; kind; sort (usu. fol. by of): This is a type of mushroom. 3. a thing or person that represents perfectly or in the best way a class or category; model. 4. a person regarded as typifying a certain line of work, behavior, environment, etc.: a civil service type. 5. a. a wood or metal block with a raised character on its surface that, when fixed into a press and coated with ink, prints an impression of the character on paper or a similar absorbent surface. b. such blocks collectively. c. a printed character or printed characters: a headline in large type. d. face (defs. 19b, c). 6. Biol. a. a genus or species that most nearly exemplifies the essential characteristics of a higher group. b. the one or more specimens on which the description and naming of a species is based. 7. a. the inherited features of an animal or breed that are favorable for any given purpose: dairy type. b. a strain, breed, or variety of animal, or a single animal, belonging to a specific kind. 8. the general form of a word, symbol, or expression, in contrast to its particular occurrences. Compare token (def. 7). 9. the pattern or model from which something is made. 10. an image or figure produced by impressing or stamping. 11. a distinctive or characteristic mark or sign. 12. a symbol of something in the future, as an Old Testament event prefiguring a New Testament event. v.t. 13. to write on a typewriter, computer keyboard, or the like. 14. to reproduce in type or in print. 15. to ascertain the type of (a blood or tissue sample). 16. to typecast. 17. to typify or symbolize; represent. 18. to represent prophetically; foreshadow; prefigure. v.i. 19. to write using a typewriter, computer keyboard, or the like. [1425–75; late Middle English: symbol, figure (< Middle French) < Latin typus bas-relief, ground plan < Greek týpos blow, impression] usage: When preceded by a modifier, type meaning “kind, sort” is sometimes used without a following of: This type furnace uses very little current. We have a magnetic-type holder for the rack. Frequently criticized by usage guides, this construction occurs rarely in general writing. The problem can usu. be remedied by inserting of (this type of furnace) or by dropping type altogether (a magnetic holder). -type a combining form representing type (prototype), esp. in names of printing processes: ferrotype; monotype. [< Greek -typos or -typon, adj. ders. of týpos blow, impression, carved figure, form, type] EncyclopediaSeetypeFinancialSeeType |