type A behavior

type A behavior

 a behavior pattern associated with the development of coronary heart disease, characterized by excessive competitiveness and aggression and a fast-paced life style. Persons exhibiting type A behavior are constantly struggling to accomplish ill-defined goals in the shortest possible time. In several studies this type of behavior has been shown to be as significant as other risk factors, such as smoking and hypertension, in the development of coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction. The opposite type of behavior exhibited by individuals who are relaxed, unhurried, and less aggressive is called type B.

type A be·hav·ior

a behavior pattern characterized by aggressiveness, ambitiousness, restlessness, and a strong sense of time urgency. New research has revealed that it is hostile behavior, which can be commingled with other type A traits, which is associated with increased risk for coronary heart disease. See: hostile behavior.

type A be·ha·vior

, type A personality (tīp bē-hāv'yŏr, pĕr'sŏn-al'i-tē) A behavior pattern characterized by aggressiveness, ambitiousness, restlessness, and a strong sense of time urgency; associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease.

type A be·ha·vior

, type A personality (tīp bē-hāv'yŏr, pĕr'sŏn-al'i-tē) Behavior pattern characterized by aggressiveness, ambitiousness, restlessness, and a strong sense of time urgency. New research suggests that it is hostile behavior and associated with increased risk for coronary heart disease.