Sexually transmitted infection

Any infection or tumour acquired by direct genital and orogenital contact
Risk factors Multiple sexual partners, history of STD or sexual partner with STD; male sexual partners of women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), cervical condylomas, condyloma acuminatum or variants of IN

sex·u·al·ly trans·mit·ted dis·ease

(STD) (sek'shū-ă-lē tranz-mit'ĕd di-zēz') Any contagious disease acquired through sexual contact (e.g., syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid, genital warts, AIDS).
Synonym(s): sexually transmitted infection, venereal disease.

Sexually transmitted infection; STI

An infectious disease that is transmitted through sexual activity.Mentioned in: Maternal to Fetal Infections

sex·u·al·ly trans·mit·ted dis·ease

(STD) (sek'shū-ă-lē tranz-mit'ĕd di-zēz') Contagious disease acquired during sexual contact (e.g., syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid).
Synonym(s): venereal disease, sexually transmitted infection.