reduction of chromosomes

re·duc·tion of chro·mo·somes

the process during meiosis whereby one member of each homologous pair of chromosomes is distributed to a sperm or ovum; the diploid set of chromosomes (46 in humans) is thus reduced to the haploid set in each gamete; union of the sperm and ovum then restores the diploid or somatic number in the one-cell zygote.

re·duc·tion of chro·mo·somes

(rĕ-dŭk'shŭn krō'mŏ-sōmz) The process during meiosis whereby one member of each homologous pair of chromosomes is distributed to a sperm or oocyte; the diploid set of chromosomes (46 in humans) is thus reduced to the haploid set in each gamete; union of the sperm and oocyte restores the diploid or somatic number in the one-cell zygote.