sabot heart

coeur en sa·bot

(awn sah-bo'), the radiographic configuration of the heart in the tetralogy of Fallot; the elevated apex has a wooden shoe silhouette. Synonym(s): sabot heart, wooden-shoe heart
A heart with a boot-like radiologic silhouette, in which the tip of the ‘boot’s toe’ corresponds to an elevated cardiac apex, while the broad ‘foot’ portion corresponds to an increased prominence of the left cardiac border resulting from right cardiac hypertrophy. Coeur en sabot is typical of well-developed Fallot’s tetralogy—infundibular pulmonary valve stenosis, VSD, right cardiac ventricular hypertrophy and a dextraposed/overriding aorta

sabot heart

Couer en sabot Pediatric cardiology A heart with a boot-like radiologic silhouette, in which the tip of the 'boot's toe' corresponds to an elevated cardiac apex, while the broad 'foot' portion corresponds to an ↑ prominence of the left cardiac border resulting from right cardiac hypertrophy; SH is typical of well-developed Fallot's tetralogy–infundibular pulmonary valve stenosis, VSD, right cardiac ventricular hypertrophy and a dextraposed/overriding aorta