Sabouraud agar

Sa·bou·raud a·gar

(sah-bū-rō'), a culture medium for fungi containing neopeptone or polypeptone agar and glucose, with final pH of 5.6; it is the standard, most universally used medium in mycology and is the international reference. Modified Sabouraud agar (Emmons modification) with neutral pH and less glucose is better for pigment development in the colonies.

Sa·bou·raud a·gar

(sah-bū-rō' ā'gahr) A culture medium for fungi containing neopeptone or polypeptone agar and glucose, with final pH 5.6; it is the standard, most universally used medium in mycology and is the international reference. Modified Sabouraud agar (Emmons modification) with neutral pH and less glucose is better for pigment development in the colonies.


Raymond Jacques Adrien, French dermatologist, 1864-1938. Sabouraud agar - a culture medium for fungi. Synonym(s): French proof agarSabouraud pastils - disks that undergo a color change when exposed to x-rays, previously used to indicate the administered dose.Sabouraud syndrome - progressively thinning hair during first 2 months of life; may occur again in adult life. Synonym(s): beaded hairSabouraud-Noiré instrument - an obsolete device for measuring the quantity of x-rays.