

单词 tpp
释义 DictionarySeethiamine pyrophosphate



Abbreviation for thiamin pyrophosphate.


Abbreviation for:
thiamine pyrophosphate
third-party processor
total plasma protein
total purchasing project

Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP)

The coenzyme containing thiamine that is essential in converting glucose to energy.Mentioned in: Beriberi


TPPTwitch Plays Pokemon (gaming)
TPPTransportation Planning and Programming (various locations)
TPPTuition Payment Plan (various locations)
TPPThe Pretty Ponies (indie video production company)
TPPThermal Protection Performance (fire protection wear)
TPPTropical Plant Pathology (journal; Brazilian Society of Plant Pathology)
TPPTallgrass Prairie Preserve (Oklahoma)
TPPTai Poutini Polytechnic (New Zealand)
TPPThird-Person Perspective
TPPTrans-Pacific Partnership (multinational economic agreement)
TPPThiamine Pyrophosphate (coenzyme)
TPPTwo-Party-Preferred (also seen as 2PP; politics)
TPPTelemetry Preprocessor
TPPThermal Protective Performance
TPPTechnical Plan Proposal
TPPTwips per Pixel
TPPTouch Panel Pen
TPPThird Party Products
TPPTest Participation Plan
TPPThird Party Provider
TPPTransfer Parent Process
TPPThird Party Protocol
TPPTraining Project Plan
TPPTexel per Pixel
TPPThird Party Processor
TPPTested Proof Pressure
TPPThermal Power Plant
TPPTangible Personal Property (taxation)
TPPTransportation Policy Plan (various organizations)
TPPTokyo Pride Parade (Japan)
TPPTea Party Patriot
TPPTest of Professional Practice (UK)
TPPTarget Product Profile (US regulatory drug development)
TPPThird-Party Processor
TPPTrans-Proteomic Pipeline
TPPTechnical Project Planning (US Army Corps of Engineers)
TPPTherapeutic Products Programme (Health Canada)
TPPThird Powerplant (Grand Coulee Dam; Washington)
TPPTNT Post Pakketservice (Netherlands)
TPPThe Publishing Partnership (South Africa)
TPPText Presentation Program
TPPTechnology and Policy Program (MIT graduate program)
TPPTrading Partner Profile
TPPTemporary Practice Permit (various locations)
TPPThird-Party Payor
TPPTime, Place and Person (criteria)
TPPTheater Posture Plan (US DoD)
TPPTransition Partnership Program
TPPTerminal Procedures Publications
TPPTetraphenylphosphonium Bromide
TPPTechnical Performance Plan
TPPThe Paradise Project (gaming)
TPPTwenty Point Programme (India; est. 1975)
TPPTierpension Plus (German: Pet Boarding Plus; animal management software)
TPPTarapoto, Peru - Tarapoto (Airport Code)
TPPTechno Plastic Products AG (Switzerland)
TPPTool Portability Profile
TPPTechnology & Policy Program (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
TPPTest Productivity Pack (software)
TPPTwo-Way Password Protocol (computer security)
TPPTotal Package Procurement
TPPTiamina Pirofosfato (Italian)
TPPTip Path Plane
TPPTheoretical Particle Physics
TPPTri-Phenyl Phosphate
TPPTrafic de Perfectionnement Passif (textile and clothing quotas)
TPPTrionix Program Package (software)
TPPTangential Proper Part of (spatial reasoning)
TPPThe Pancreatitis Place (est. 2008)
TPPTenancy Preservation Program (homelessness prevention)
TPPTraining Project Plan (US Navy task based curriculum development)
TPPTransport Planning Professional (UK)
TPPThe Phat Phree (website)
TPPTeacher Professional Partnership
TPPTechnical Partner Programme
TPPTelecommunications Program Plan
TPPThe Pool Party (message board)
TPPTechnology Program Plan
TPPTest Plan and Procedures
TPPTape Preparation Program
TPPTechnology Protection Plan
TPPTest Program Plan
TPPTeach Pendant Program
TPPTransuranium Processing Plant
TPPTechnological Products and Processes
TPPTabung Pinjaman Pelajaran
TPPTrusteed Pension Plan
TPPTRADOC Priorities Program (US Army)
TPPTotally Parallel Prefix (hardware architecture)
TPPTop Program Problem
TPPThird Party Producer (gaming)
TPPThyroid Periodic Paralysis (rare medical condition)




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