Acronym | Definition |
TPP➣Twitch Plays Pokemon (gaming) |
TPP➣Transportation Planning and Programming (various locations) |
TPP➣Tuition Payment Plan (various locations) |
TPP➣The Pretty Ponies (indie video production company) |
TPP➣Thermal Protection Performance (fire protection wear) |
TPP➣Tropical Plant Pathology (journal; Brazilian Society of Plant Pathology) |
TPP➣Tallgrass Prairie Preserve (Oklahoma) |
TPP➣Tai Poutini Polytechnic (New Zealand) |
TPP➣Third-Person Perspective |
TPP➣Trans-Pacific Partnership (multinational economic agreement) |
TPP➣Thiamine Pyrophosphate (coenzyme) |
TPP➣Two-Party-Preferred (also seen as 2PP; politics) |
TPP➣Telemetry Preprocessor |
TPP➣Thermal Protective Performance |
TPP➣Technical Plan Proposal |
TPP➣Twips per Pixel |
TPP➣Touch Panel Pen |
TPP➣Third Party Products |
TPP➣Test Participation Plan |
TPP➣Third Party Provider |
TPP➣Transfer Parent Process |
TPP➣Third Party Protocol |
TPP➣Training Project Plan |
TPP➣Texel per Pixel |
TPP➣Third Party Processor |
TPP➣Tested Proof Pressure |
TPP➣Thermal Power Plant |
TPP➣Tangible Personal Property (taxation) |
TPP➣Transportation Policy Plan (various organizations) |
TPP➣Tokyo Pride Parade (Japan) |
TPP➣Tea Party Patriot |
TPP➣Test of Professional Practice (UK) |
TPP➣Target Product Profile (US regulatory drug development) |
TPP➣Third-Party Processor |
TPP➣Trans-Proteomic Pipeline |
TPP➣Technical Project Planning (US Army Corps of Engineers) |
TPP➣Therapeutic Products Programme (Health Canada) |
TPP➣Third Powerplant (Grand Coulee Dam; Washington) |
TPP➣TNT Post Pakketservice (Netherlands) |
TPP➣The Publishing Partnership (South Africa) |
TPP➣Text Presentation Program |
TPP➣Technology and Policy Program (MIT graduate program) |
TPP➣Trading Partner Profile |
TPP➣Temporary Practice Permit (various locations) |
TPP➣Third-Party Payor |
TPP➣Time, Place and Person (criteria) |
TPP➣Theater Posture Plan (US DoD) |
TPP➣Transition Partnership Program |
TPP➣Terminal Procedures Publications |
TPP➣Tetraphenylphosphonium Bromide |
TPP➣Technical Performance Plan |
TPP➣The Paradise Project (gaming) |
TPP➣Twenty Point Programme (India; est. 1975) |
TPP➣Tierpension Plus (German: Pet Boarding Plus; animal management software) |
TPP➣Tarapoto, Peru - Tarapoto (Airport Code) |
TPP➣Techno Plastic Products AG (Switzerland) |
TPP➣Tool Portability Profile |
TPP➣Technology & Policy Program (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) |
TPP➣Test Productivity Pack (software) |
TPP➣Two-Way Password Protocol (computer security) |
TPP➣Total Package Procurement |
TPP➣Tiamina Pirofosfato (Italian) |
TPP➣Tip Path Plane |
TPP➣Theoretical Particle Physics |
TPP➣Tri-Phenyl Phosphate |
TPP➣Trafic de Perfectionnement Passif (textile and clothing quotas) |
TPP➣Trionix Program Package (software) |
TPP➣Tangential Proper Part of (spatial reasoning) |
TPP➣The Pancreatitis Place (est. 2008) |
TPP➣Tenancy Preservation Program (homelessness prevention) |
TPP➣Training Project Plan (US Navy task based curriculum development) |
TPP➣Transport Planning Professional (UK) |
TPP➣The Phat Phree (website) |
TPP➣Teacher Professional Partnership |
TPP➣Technical Partner Programme |
TPP➣Telecommunications Program Plan |
TPP➣The Pool Party (message board) |
TPP➣Technology Program Plan |
TPP➣Test Plan and Procedures |
TPP➣Tape Preparation Program |
TPP➣Technology Protection Plan |
TPP➣Test Program Plan |
TPP➣Teach Pendant Program |
TPP➣Transuranium Processing Plant |
TPP➣Technological Products and Processes |
TPP➣Tabung Pinjaman Pelajaran |
TPP➣Trusteed Pension Plan |
TPP➣TRADOC Priorities Program (US Army) |
TPP➣Totally Parallel Prefix (hardware architecture) |
TPP➣Top Program Problem |
TPP➣Third Party Producer (gaming) |
TPP➣Thyroid Periodic Paralysis (rare medical condition) |