释义 |
u·ri·no·gen·i·tal U0150000 (yo͝or′ə-nō-jĕn′ĭ-tl)adj. Variant of urogenital.urinogenital (ˌjʊərɪnəʊˈdʒɛnɪtəl) adj (Anatomy) another word for urogenital, genitourinarygen•i•to•u•ri•nar•y (ˌdʒɛn ɪ toʊˈyʊər əˌnɛr i) adj. of or pertaining to the genital and urinary organs; urogenital. [1825–35] TranslationsEncyclopediaSeeurogenitalurinogenital
genitourinary [jen´ĭ-to-u´rĭ-ner″e] pertaining to the urinary system and genitalia; called also urinogenital and urogenital.gen·i·to·u·ri·nar·y (GU), (jen'i-tō-yū'ri-nār-ē), Relating to the organs of reproduction and urination collectively. Synonym(s): urinogenital, urinosexual, urogenitalurinogenital (yo͝or′ə-nō-jĕn′ĭ-tl)adj. Variant of urogenital.ThesaurusSeegenitourinary |