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peritoneoplasty per·i·to·ne·o·plas·ty (per'i-tō-nē'ō-plas'tē), Division of intraabdominal adhesions and coverage of raw surfaces with peritoneum to prevent reformation of pathologic scarring. [peritoneum + G. plastos, formed] peritoneoplasty (pĕr′ĭ-tn-ē′ə-plăs′tē)n. The surgical loosening of adhesions in the abdominal viscera and the covering of the resultant raw surfaces with peritoneum to prevent recurrence.per·i·to·ne·o·plas·ty (per'i-tŏ-nē'ō-plas-tē) Loosening adhesions and covering the raw surfaces with peritoneum to prevent reformation. [peritoneum + G. plastos, formed]peritoneoplasty (per″ĭ-tō′nē-ō-plăs″tē) [″ + plassein, to form] Surgery to repair separated or denuded segments of the peritoneum. |