State Expenses Collegium

State Expenses Collegium


(Shtats-kontor Kollegiia), a state institution in Russia in the 18th century. The staff, president, and vice-president were approved in December 1717, and the functions of the body, in December 1718. The collegium managed state expenditures and, upon order of the Senate, distributed specific amounts to governmental institutions and officials.

In November 1723 the State Expenses Collegium was converted to a Senate office, called the State Office of the Senate; between 1726 and 1730 it was subordinate to the Chamber Collegium. In July 1730, however, its status as an independent collegium was restored. In October 1780 the State Expenses Collegium was abolished. Most of its functions were transferred to the treasury offices established in St. Petersburg and Moscow, but some were transferred to the provincial financial boards and district treasury offices.