

单词 vrs



(1) (Video Relay Service) A communications service for the hearing or speech impaired. A VRS is the video counterpart of a TTY relay service, in which the user types on a terminal, and the relay operator speaks the messages to the recipient (see TDD/TTY). In a VRS system, a videophone is used, and the user dials a VRS operator who is fluent in sign language. The operator dials up the recipient's telephone, views the signing over the videophone and converts it to speech. The operator also converts the responses back to sign language for the VRS user.

(2) (Video Reference Series) A family of video processing technologies from Anchor Bay Technologies, Inc. (www.anchorbaytech.com). See video processor.


VRSVideo Relay Service (Sprint)
VRSVirginia Retirement System
VRSVerkehrsverbund Rhein-Sieg
VRSValve Regrind Set (automobile parts)
VRSVariable Reluctance Sensor
VRSVirtual Radar Server (UK)
VRSVirus Respiratoire Syncytial (infections)
VRSVirtual ReScan
VRSVerband Region Stuttgart (German: Stuttgart Region Association; Stuttgart, Germany)
VRSVocational Rehabilitation Services
VRSVirtual Reference Station (Trimble Navigation Limited; GPS technology)
VRSVirtual Re-Scan
VRSVertical Removable Section
VRSVideo Resource
VRSVirtual Rendering System
VRSVoluntary Retirement Scheme
VRSVisiting Research Student (various locations)
VRSVoice Response System
VRSVerbal Rating Scale (pain assessment)
VRSVancouver Recital Society
VRSVoice Recognition Software
VRSVariable Returns to Scale
VRSVojska Republike Srpske (Serbian: Army of the Serbian Republic)
VRSVortex Ring State
VRSVapor Recovery System
VRSVehicle Repair Specialist.
VRSVirtual Rendering System (computer graphics software library)
VRSVoluntary Reporting Scheme (UK; manufactured nanomaterials)
VRSVehicle Recovery System
VRSVoice Recording System
VRSVirtual Reality Society
VRSVideo Recording System
VRSVirtual Reality Simulation
VRSWordPerfect Graphics Driver (file name extension)
VRSVocational Rehabilitation Specialist
VRSVoluntary Registration Scheme (residential care homes; various locations)
VRSVehicle Registration System
VRSAir Ferry Service Squadron (US Navy)
VRSVacuum Resource System (US NASA)
VRSFerry Command Service Squadron (US Navy)
VRSVerkehrsrechtssammlung (German traffic law court decisions)
VRSVital Record Specifications (IBM mainframe tape management)
VRSVehicle Reliability Survey (TrueDelta)
VRSVolume Recognition Sequence (OSTA universal disk format)
VRSVehicle Restraint System (UK)
VRSVibration Response Spectrum
VRSVirchow-Robin Space (neurohistology)
VRSVolunteer Reserve System (USAF)
VRSVisionsports Riding Schools (Eagle, Wisconsin)
VRSVisual Ring Signaler
VRSVancomycin-Resistant Staphylococci
VRSVoice Retrieval System
VRSVacuum Relief System
VRSVolga Relief Society (Oregon)
VRSNavy Service Squadron (US Navy aviation unit designation used from 1920s to 1950s)




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