Statement of Fitness for Work

Statement of Fitness for Work

A “sick note” in the UK which replaced the GP Med 3 and GP Med 5 forms in 2010. GPs and, where appropriate, other doctors are required to issue, free of charge, a Statement of Fitness for Work to patients for whom they provide clinical care.
The Statement may be issued:
• On the day that the patient was assessed; or
• On a date after the assessment if it is considered that it would have been reasonable to issue a Statement on the day of the assessment; or
• After consideration of a written report from another doctor or registered healthcare professional.
Changes with Statement of Fitness for Work form:
• Telephone consultations as an acceptable form of assessment.
• Removing the option to say a patient is fit for work.
• Introducing: "May be fit for work taking account of the following advice”.
• More space provided for comments on the functional effects of the patient's condition, with tick boxes to indicate issues such as altered hours or avoiding certain activities that could help his or her return to work.
• Changed rules for issuing the Statement so that during the first 6 months of sickness, the new Statement can be issued for no longer than 3 months; also, simplification of the current system by combining the forms Med 3 and Med 5 into one form.