Trousseau-Lallemand bodies

Lal·le·mand bod·ies

(lahl-ĕ-mahn'), 1. old term for small gelatinoid concretions observed in seminal fluid; 2. old term for Bence Jones cylinders , under cylinder. Synonym(s): Trousseau-Lallemand bodies

Trousseau-Lallemand bodies

An obsolete term for:
(1) Gelatinous plugs of undetermined significance described in the seminal fluid. 
(2) Casts of Bence-Jones proteins.


Claude F., French surgeon, 1790-1853. Lallemand bodies - (1) obsolete term for small gelatinoid concretions sometimes observed in seminal fluid; - (2) old term for Bence Jones cylinders. Synonym(s): Trousseau-Lallemand bodies.Trousseau-Lallemand bodies - Synonym(s): Lallemand bodies (2)


Armand, French physician, 1801-1867. Trousseau point - painful neuralgia at the spinous process of the vertebra below which arises the offending nerve.Trousseau sign - in latent tetany, the occurrence of carpopedal spasm accompanied by paresthesia, elicited when the upper arm is compressed.Trousseau spot - a line of redness resulting from drawing a point across the skin, especially notable in cases of meningitis. Synonym(s): meningitic streakTrousseau syndrome - thrombophlebitis migrans associated with visceral cancer. Synonym(s): Nygaard-Brown syndromeTrousseau-Lallemand bodies - Synonym(s): Lallemand bodies (2)