Acronym | Definition |
SFK➣Shadowfang Keep (World of Warcraft instance) |
SFK➣Something for Kate (Australian band) |
SFK➣Stichting Farmaceutische Kengetallen (Dutch: Foundation for Pharmaceutical Ratios; est. 1990; The Hague, Netherlands) |
SFK➣Svenska Förbundet för Kvalitet (Swedish Quality Society) |
SFK➣Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan (est. 1995) |
SFK➣Société Française de Kinésithérapie (French: French Society of Physiotherapy) |
SFK➣Smiles for Kids (charitable dentistry/orthodontics) |
SFK➣Split Flange Kit (hydraulics) |
SFK➣Steves Forum Kollaborators (Flickr photos) |