supine to long-sit test

supine to long-sit test

A clinical test used to identify leg length discrepancy.
The patient is in a supine position with the heels off of the end of the examining table. The examiner uses the Weber-Barstow manoeuvre to “clear the hips” (i.e., place the patient’s feet on the table and have him or her raise and lower the hips), then passively extends the patient's legs and compares the position of the medial malleoli. The examiner then pulls the patient up to a long-sit position from a supine position, and observes the position of the medial malleoli for any change from the starting position.
Positive test
An observable change in the position of the medial malleoli implies posterior pelvic rotation (equal/short to long) or anterior pelvic rotation (equal/long to short).