

fl. 14th cent. B.C., Hittite king (1390–54 B.C.). The greatest statesman-warrior in Hittite history, he left on his death an empire that was stronger, though not richer, than Egypt. He conspired with many of the vassals of IkhnatonIkhnaton
or Akhenaton
[Egyptian,=Aton is satisfied], d. c.1354 B.C., king of ancient Egypt (c.1372–1354 B.C.), of the XVIII dynasty; son and successor of Amenhotep III. His name at his accession was Amenhotep IV, but he changed it to honor the god Aton.
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, the Egyptian pharoah, urging them to revolt and seize Egyptian territory. He seized Egypt's possessions north of Palestine without incurring any resistance. His machinations brought about an international revolution and signaled the beginning of the end of Egyptian power.



In the Hittite empire:

Suppiluliumas I. First ruler of the New Kingdom; reigned from 1380 B.C. to 1340 B.C. After an extensive war, Suppiluliumas subjugated the kingdom of Mitanni and made the king of Ugarit his vassal. The sons of Suppiluliumas ruled the Syrian states of Halab (Aleppo) and Carchemish.

Suppiluliumas II. The last ruler of the New Kingdom; reigned from 1190 B.C. to 1180 B.C.