progressive outer retinal necrosis

progressive outer retinal necrosis (PORN),

a viral syndrome occurring in AIDS patients, caused by herpesvirus and characterized by destruction of peripheral retina.
Progressive Outer Retinal Necrosis. A rare form of necrotizing herpetic retinopathy, most common in immunocompromised patients—e.g., with AIDS; cause unknown, probably linked to varicella-zoster infection
Prognosis Poor; retinal detachment and vision loss

pro·gres·sive out·er ret·i·nal ne·cro·sis

(PORN) (prŏ-gres'iv owt'ĕr ret'i-năl nĕ-krō'sis) A viral syndrome occurring in AIDS patients, caused by herpesvirus and characterized by destruction of the peripheral retina

retinal necrosis, progressive outer 

A very rare and devastating necrotizing retinitis caused by the varicella-zoster virus, usually occurring in patients with AIDS. There is less inflammation than in acute form, many lesions on the retina eventually end in full thickness retinal necrosis and rapid progressive visual loss. The prognosis is usually poor.