Acronym | Definition |
SFP➣Small Form-factor Pluggable (optical transceiver module) |
SFP➣Secretaría de La Función Pública (Spanish: Secretariat for Civil Service; México) |
SFP➣Société Française de Physique (French Physics Society; Paris) |
SFP➣School Food Punishment (band) |
SFP➣St. Francis Prep (New York) |
SFP➣Science Fair Project |
SFP➣Super Small Flat Package |
SFP➣Single Function Printer |
SFP➣Small Form Factor Pluggable |
SFP➣Soft Flat Panel |
SFP➣Single File Processor |
SFP➣Subfield Precision |
SFP➣Super Fine Pitch |
SFP➣San Francisco Performances (San Francisco, CA) |
SFP➣Société Française de Pédiatrie (French: French Society of Pediatrics) |
SFP➣Société Française de Psychologie (French: French Society of Psychology) |
SFP➣Single Farm Payment (UK) |
SFP➣Société Française de Photographie |
SFP➣Solicitation for Proposal |
SFP➣Svenska Folkpartiet (Finnish: Swedish People's Party) |
SFP➣System File Protection |
SFP➣Specialty Fertilizer Products (Leawood, KS) |
SFP➣Sentence Final Particle (linguistics) |
SFP➣State Fair Park (various locations) |
SFP➣Software for Professionals |
SFP➣Small Farm Program |
SFP➣Security Force Personnel (nuclear safety) |
SFP➣Service for Peace |
SFP➣Service Focal Point |
SFP➣Supplementary Financing Program (US Treasury Department) |
SFP➣Spent Fuel Pool |
SFP➣Shop Floor Programming (software) |
SFP➣Strange Fruit Project (band) |
SFP➣Self-Fulfilling Prophecy |
SFP➣Supplementary Feeding Programme (WHO) |
SFP➣Short Film Project (various organizations) |
SFP➣Strong Families Program |
SFP➣Serious Foul Play (FIFA laws, soccer) |
SFP➣School Food Program (various locations) |
SFP➣Short Field Performance |
SFP➣Super Fine Pitch (Sony) |
SFP➣Sustainable Funding Project (National Council for Voluntary Organizations) |
SFP➣Social Finance Programme (International Labor Organization) |
SFP➣Steel Fence Post (various companies) |
SFP➣Social Forestry Project (various locations) |
SFP➣Social Forestry Programme (various locations) |
SFP➣Société Française de Pharmacologie (French Society of Pharmacology) |
SFP➣Saint Lucia Freedom Party |
SFP➣Société Française de Pathologie (French: French Society of Pathology) |
SFP➣Security Function Policy |
SFP➣Société Française de Phytopathologie (French: French Society of Phytopathology) |
SFP➣State Family Program (various locations) |
SFP➣Southern Financial Partners (Southern Development Bancorporation) |
SFP➣specific pathogen free |
SFP➣Subsecretario de la Función Pública (Spanish: Assistant Secretary for Civil Service; Mexico) |
SFP➣Strategic Facilities Planning |
SFP➣Space Flight Participant |
SFP➣Société Française de Phlébologie (French: French Society of Phlebology; Paris, France) |
SFP➣Single Failure Point |
SFP➣Stress-Free Polishing (semiconductors) |
SFP➣Scope Fusion Platform (professional audio recording/mixing/mastering system) |
SFP➣Suspicious File Packer (software) |
SFP➣Strategic Financial Plan |
SFP➣Société Française des Parfumeurs (French: French Society of Perfumers) |
SFP➣Save Fenway Park (Boston Red Sox; Boston, MA) |
SFP➣State Facility Permit (New York) |
SFP➣San Francisco, California Peninsula Line (Amtrak station code; San Francisco, CA) |
SFP➣Stochastic Fictitious Play (game theory) |
SFP➣Saint Francis Preparatory (high school) |
SFP➣Société Française de Parodontologie |
SFP➣Single Fiber Pigtail |
SFP➣Summary Flight Plan |
SFP➣Secure Flow Processor (Hifn) |
SFP➣Sorry for Partying |
SFP➣Safety Fire Protection (survey) |
SFP➣Students for Ron Paul |
SFP➣Starving for Perfection (pro-anorexic clique) |
SFP➣Société Française de Physiothérapie (French: French Society of Physiotherapy) |
SFP➣Short-Fault Protection |
SFP➣Sucker for Punishment |
SFP➣Simultaneous Foveal Perception |
SFP➣Success Factor Profiling |
SFP➣Switch Function and Parametric Data Interface |
SFP➣Simulated Flight Path |
SFP➣Sales Force Planning |
SFP➣Single Fixed Pulley |
SFP➣Sensor Fusion Processor |
SFP➣Standby Fire Pump |
SFP➣Self-Forging Penetrator (military targeting) |
SFP➣Sappi Fine Paper, Inc. |
SFP➣Standard Factory Pack (number of units per carton of a product) |
SFP➣Special Fabrication Program |
SFP➣Submerged Fermentation Plant |
SFP➣Special Facilitation Program |
SFP➣Supplementary Fire Party (ARP civil defence, UK) |
SFP➣Software Feature Package |
SFP➣St. Francis Preparatory High School (Flushing, NY) |