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sacrococcygeus[¦sa·krō·käk′sij·ē·əs] (anatomy) One of two inconstant thin muscles extending from the lower sacral vertebrae to the coccyx. sacrococcygeus
mus·cle (mŭs'ĕl), [TA] A primary tissue, consisting predominantly of highly specialized contractile cells, which may be classified as skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, or smooth muscle; microscopically, the latter is lacking in transverse striations characteristic of the other two types; one of the contractile organs of the body by which movements of the various organs and parts are effected; typical muscle is a mass of musculus fibers (venter or belly), attached at each extremity, by means of a tendon, to a bone or other structure; the more proximal or more fixed attachment is called the origin (q.v.), the more distal or more movable attachment is the insertion (q.v.); the narrowing part of the belly that is attached to the tendon of origin is called the caput or head. For gross anatomic description, see musculus Synonym(s): musculus [TA] [L. musculus] sacrococcygeusS00-830000 (sā″krō-kok-sij′ē-ŭs) [ sacro- + coccygeus] One of two small muscles (anterior and posterior) extending from the sacrum to the coccyx. |