Acronym | Definition |
SOF➣Special Operations Forces |
SOF➣Soldier Of Fortune |
SOF➣Statement of Financing |
SOF➣Survival of the Fittest (gaming clan) |
SOF➣Statement of Faith |
SOF➣Ship of Fools |
SOF➣Speaking of Faith (religious podcast) |
SOF➣Soldier of Fortune (computer game) |
SOF➣Start Of Frame (ATM) |
SOF➣Scions of Fate (computer game) |
SOF➣Strength of Field (rankings) |
SOF➣Soldier of Future |
SOF➣Summary of Findings (various organizations) |
SOF➣Secrets of Faydwer (gaming) |
SOF➣Static-Output Feedback |
SOF➣Sound on Film |
SOF➣Start of Frame |
SOF➣Small Outline F-Leaded Package |
SOF➣Sheepdrove Organic Farm (UK) |
SOF➣South of France |
SOF➣Sempreviva Organização Feminista (Portuguese: Evergreen Feminist Organization; Brazil) |
SOF➣Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship (est. 2013) |
SOF➣Soluble Organic Fraction |
SOF➣Songs of Fellowship |
SOF➣Show of Force |
SOF➣Statute of Frauds |
SOF➣Semaine Olympique Française (French: French Olympic Week) |
SOF➣Statement of Facts (shipping) |
SOF➣Strength Of Function |
SOF➣Safety Of Flight |
SOF➣Society of Fellows |
SOF➣Source Of Funds |
SOF➣State of Fear (Michael Crichton book) |
SOF➣Standard Operating Framework (various companies) |
SOF➣Supervisor Of Flying |
SOF➣Special Operating Forces (less common) |
SOF➣Swiss Orchid Foundation (est. 2001) |
SOF➣Saudi Oil Facility (Saudi Arabia) |
SOF➣Signature on File |
SOF➣Ship & Ocean Foundation (Japan) |
SOF➣Skin On Frame (Kayak) |
SOF➣Sound On Film (archaic; originally a scriptwriting term) |
SOF➣Superior Orbital Fissure (crack in the bone above the eye) |
SOF➣Service Order Form |
SOF➣Save Our Future |
SOF➣School of Fisheries |
SOF➣Smoke or Fire (band) |
SOF➣Songs of Freedom (Bob Marley and the Wailers box set) |
SOF➣Specialty Optical Fiber |
SOF➣Souls on Fire (Elie Wiesel book; band; graffiti crew) |
SOF➣Strategic Offensive Forces |
SOF➣Smile on Face |
SOF➣Slip-on Flange |
SOF➣Sales Order Form |
SOF➣Syndicat des Orthoptistes de France (French: Orthoptists Union of France) |
SOF➣Student Orchestra Festival (Linköping, Sweden) |
SOF➣Study of Osteoporosis Fractures |
SOF➣Share of Freehold |
SOF➣Save our Families |
SOF➣Statement of Functionality |
SOF➣Sofia, Bulgaria - Sofia International (Airport Code) |
SOF➣Save Our Forests |
SOF➣Subtlety or Force |
SOF➣Special Olympics Florida, Inc. |
SOF➣Silkeborg Oplysnings Forbund |
SOF➣Son of Flicka (movie) |
SOF➣Switching Office Functionality |
SOF➣Self Organization Factor (computing) |
SOF➣SWC Orders File |
SOF➣Senior Orifice Fitting (gas measurement) |
SOF➣Source Object File |