peroneus longus muscle

fib·u·la·ris lon·gus mus·cle

(fib-yū-lā'ris long'gŭs mŭs'ĕl) Origin, upper two thirds of outer surface of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia; insertion, by tendon passing behind lateral malleolus and across sole of foot to medial cuneiform and base of first metatarsal; action, plantarflexion and eversion of foot; nerve supply, superficial peroneal.
Synonym(s): long fibular muscle, long peroneal muscle, musculus fibularis longus, musculus peroneus longus, peroneus longus muscle.

peroneus longus muscle

Leg muscle. Origin: lateral two-thirds of fibula. Insertion: medial cuneiform bone, base of first metatarsal. Nerve: superficial peroneal (L5-S1). Action: everts and plantar flexes foot. Synonym: fibularis longus muscle See: leg for illus. (Muscles of the leg)See also: muscle