

单词 trp






Symbol for tryptophan and its radicals.


An essential amino acid, which is a key building block in protein biosynthesis. It is a precursor for serotonin (a neurotransmitter) and niacin (a B vitamin).
Dietary sources
Milk, sesame seeds, soy beans, spirulina, sunflower seeds, cashews.
Fringe nutrition
Tryptophan has been promoted for its alleged ability to induce sleep, and as an antidepressint.


Abbreviation for tryptophan and its radicals.




Abbreviation for tryptophan.


TRPTryptophan (Amino Acid)
TRPTechnical Review Panel
TRPTechnical Rubber Products (various locations)
TRPTransient Receptor Potential (transducer protein molecules)
TRPTemporary Residence Permit (various locations)
TRPTax Return Preparer
TRPTeacher Resource Pack
TRPTherapeutic Riding Program (various organizations)
TRPTelephony Remote Protocol
TRPTechnology Research Programme
TRPRas Precharge Time
TRPToken Ring Pci
TRPTrusted Recovery Program
TRPTrigger Point
TRPTechnology Research Programme (European Space Agency)
TRPTelecommunications Research Project (Hong Kong)
TRPTotal Remuneration Package (various nations)
TRPTechnology Reinvestment Project
TRPThe ReUse People (California)
TRPTarget Reference Point
TRPTransnational Radical Party
TRPThe Resurrection Project
TRPTotal Radiated Power
TRPTribal Response Program (US EPA)
TRPTechnology Reinvestment Program
TRPTelevision Rating Points
TRPTsunami Recovery Program (Amercian Red Cross)
TRPTarget Rating Point(s)
TRPTactical Response Plan (US FEMA)
TRPTemperature Reference Point
TRPTransitional Regional Plan (New Zealand)
TRPTranslational Research Program (National Cancer Institute)
TRPTubular Reabsorption of Phosphate
TRPTongue Right Positioner (medical device)
TRPTactical Response Pistol
TRPTemporary Registration Permit
TRPTuition Reimbursement Program
TRPTransportation Resource Partners (Bloomfield Hills, MI)
TRPTransitions Ramp Park (Michigan)
TRPTruancy Reduction Program
TRPThe Rising Phoenix (various locations)
TRPTumor-Related Protein
TRPTransport, Routing and Packaging
TRPTokai Reprocessing Plant (Japan)
TRPThe Regeneration Project
TRPThrust Rating Panel
TRPTropical Rainforest Programme (IUCN)
TRPThe Refugee Project (various locations)
TRPTree-Based Reparameterization
TRPThérapeute en Réadaptation Physique (French: Physical Rehabilitation Therapist)
TRPThermal Response Parameter
TRPTamper Resistant Packaging
TRPTax on Real Property (Guernsey)
TRPTime of Reporting
TRPTransition Relevant Place (conversation analysis)
TRPTraumatic Reticuloperitonitis (hardware disease in cattle)
TRPTemporal Reference for Prediction
TRPThe Rushing Party (gaming group)
TRPTalent Review Process (management tool)
TRPTest Resource Plan
TRPTechnology Refreshment Plan
TRPTechnology Refreshment Program (US Federal Bureau of Investigation)
TRPTraining Review Panel
TRPTheater Response Package
TRPTransmission Research Program
TRPTraumatic Reticulopericarditis (cattle disease)
TRPTemperature Regulated Processing
TRPTechnical Requirements Package
TRPTrajectory Reconstruction Program
TRPTyrolia Roller Pincer (ski equipment)
TRPTransition Research Projects
TRPTransport and Routing Protocol
TRPTelevision Remote Pickup
TRPThreat Recognition Processor
TRPTime-Based Retrieval Problem
TRPTrupp, Truppe (German military: Troops)
TRPTwostep Resonant Photoionization
TRPTransit Roads Programme (Canada)
TRPTax Returns Processing
TRPTransaction Request Processor
TRPTraffic Regulation Point
TRPTraining & Education Requirements Panel
TRPThermally Resistive Probe
TRPTraining Requirements Plan
TRPTool Release Piston (motor vehicles)
TRPThe Research Partnership, Inc (Wichita, KS)
TRPTemporary Rust Preventive
TRPTrue Role Play
TRPTeignmouth Regeneration Partnership




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