projectile vomiting


 [vom´it-ing] forcible ejection of contents of stomach through the mouth. Called also emesis and regurgitation.cyclic vomiting recurring attacks of vomiting.dry vomiting attempts at vomiting, with the ejection of nothing but gas.pernicious vomiting (vomiting of pregnancy) hyperemesis gravidarum.projectile vomiting vomiting with the material ejected with great force; seen commonly in congenital pyloric obstruction.stercoraceous vomiting vomiting of fecal matter.

pro·jec·tile vom·it·ing

expulsion of the contents of the stomach with great force.

projectile vomiting

(prə-jĕk′təl, -tīl′)n. Expulsion of the contents of the stomach with great force.
Violent and ‘explosive’ vomiting without antecedent nausea, or vomiting at the peak of maximum inspiration without the usual rhythmic hyperactivity of the respiratory muscles associated with the ‘retching’—diaphragmatic spasms—that precedes vomiting. Projectile vomiting is associated with increased intracranial pressure, classically occurring in meningitis in young children

projectile vomiting

Pediatric neurology Violent and 'explosive' vomiting without antecedent nausea, or vomiting at the peak of maximum inspiration without the usual rhythmic hyperactivity of the respiratory muscles associated with 'retching'–diaphragmatic spasms that precede vomiting; PV is associated with ↑ intracranial pressure, classically occurring in meningitis of young children

pro·jec·tile vom·i·ting

(prŏ-jek'tīl vom'it-ing) Oral expulsion of the contents of the stomach with great force.

pro·jec·tile vom·i·ting

(prŏ-jek'tīl vom'it-ing) Oral expulsion of stomach contents with great force.