Acronym | Definition |
ALF➣Animal Liberation Front |
ALF➣Assisted Living Facility |
ALF➣American Liver Foundation |
ALF➣Alien Life Form |
ALF➣Alfter License Fee |
ALF➣Allocation Logement Familiale (French: Family Housing Allowance) |
ALF➣Acute Liver Failure |
ALF➣Application Layer Filtering |
ALF➣Automatic Line Feed |
ALF➣Accurate Positioning by Low Frequency |
ALF➣Application Layer Framing |
ALF➣Area Labor Federation (various locations) |
ALF➣Application Level Framing |
ALF➣Abundant Life Fellowship (religion) |
ALF➣Access to Learning Fund (financial aid; UK) |
ALF➣Arab Liberation Front |
ALF➣Application Lifecycle Framework |
ALF➣Association of Libertarian Feminists |
ALF➣American Legacy Foundation |
ALF➣American Leadership Forum (various locations) |
ALF➣Avenir de la Langue Française (French: Future of the French Language) |
ALF➣Association des Ludothèques Françaises (French: French Toy Library Association) |
ALF➣Adult Living Facility |
ALF➣Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (industry sector) |
ALF➣Africa Leadership Forum (Nigeria) |
ALF➣Allocation de Logement à Caractère Familial |
ALF➣Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue Between Cultures (Euro-Mediterranean organization) |
ALF➣Algebraic Logic Functional (programming language) |
ALF➣Advanced Library Format |
ALF➣Atlantic Logistic Forum |
ALF➣Auxiliary Landing Field |
ALF➣Alberta Lottery Fund (Alberta, Canada) |
ALF➣Alfonsinos (FAO fish species code) |
ALF➣American LaFrance LLC (Summerville, SC firetruck manufacturer) |
ALF➣Airlift Flight |
ALF➣Accessible Low Floor (busses) |
ALF➣Autumn Leaf Festival |
ALF➣American Liberation Front |
ALF➣Alta, Norway - Elvebakken (Airport Code) |
ALF➣Accelerated Load Facility |
ALF➣Average Load Factor |
ALF➣Automatic Login Facility |
ALF➣Absorption Limiting Frequency |
ALF➣American Liberty Foundation |
ALF➣Art of Living Foundation (Bangalore, India) |
ALF➣Airborne Laser Fluorosensor (offshore petroleum industry, environmental protection) |
ALF➣A Lame Frontend |
ALF➣Assisted Load Format |
ALF➣Adaptive Lattice Filter |
ALF➣Abha Light Foundation (Kenya) |
ALF➣American Legal Foundation |
ALF➣Aft Looking Forward |
ALF➣About Life & Faith (Christianity) |
ALF➣Advanced List Format |
ALF➣Aerospace Legacy Foundation (Downey, CA) |
ALF➣Alert Log File |
ALF➣Annual Licensing Fee |
ALF➣Argonne Load Flow (Model) |
ALF➣Alfalfa Lawn Farm |
ALF➣Air-Land Force |
ALF➣Automatic Letter Facer (mechanised letter sorting; Royal Mail - Postal Authority for the United Kingdom) |
ALF➣air lift forces |
ALF➣Acquisition Logistics, and Fulfillment |
ALF➣Ambassador Lapel Flag |
ALF➣Arithmetic and Log Function (Nortel) |
ALF➣A Lotta Firetrucks (General Services Administration fire truck sales program) |
ALF➣Application Load Facility |