Acronym | Definition |
APV➣Algemene Plaatselijke Verordening (German: General Local Regulation) |
APV➣Advanced Personal Vaporizer |
APV➣Ahorro Previsional Voluntario (Spanish: Voluntary Pension Savings) |
APV➣Association de la Presse du Vin (French: Wine Press Association) |
APV➣Adjusted Present Value |
APV➣Audio Photo and Video |
APV➣All Purpose Vehicle |
APV➣Association des Professeurs de Vente (French: Association of Sales Professors) |
APV➣Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik |
APV➣Avian Pneumovirus |
APV➣Advanced Planning Visit |
APV➣All-Purpose Vehicle |
APV➣Autostart and Process Viewer (freeware) |
APV➣Acute Paralysis Virus (honey bee disease) |
APV➣Approach (Procedure) with Vertical Guidance (aviation) |
APV➣Average Peak Velocity |
APV➣Ambulatory Procedure Visit |
APV➣Alliance for Progressive Values (Richmond, VA) |
APV➣Animal Protection Voters |
APV➣Affectations Prioritaires à Valoriser (French: Priority Value Assignments) |
APV➣Automatic Program Verification (symposium) |
APV➣Armored Patrol Vehicle |
APV➣Accounts Payable Voucher |
APV➣Anti-Pop Videos |
APV➣Armored Personnel Vehicle |
APV➣Air Pressure Vessel (drilling) |
APV➣Anomalous Pulmonary Vein |
APV➣Armored Passenger Vehicle (noncombat passenger protection) |
APV➣Arithmetic Progression Vector |