Acronym | Definition |
SGM➣Society for General Microbiology |
SGM➣Sergeant Major |
SGM➣Semi Global Matching |
SGM➣Servicio Geologico Mexicano (Spanish: Mexican Geological Service) |
SGM➣Sexual and Gender Minority (population sector) |
SGM➣Special General Meeting |
SGM➣Support Group Meeting (various organizations) |
SGM➣Small Group Multicast |
SGM➣Software Group Manager |
SGM➣Signaling Gateway Manager |
SGM➣Southern Gospel Music |
SGM➣Scissor Gang Mafia |
SGM➣Shekinah Glory Ministry (band) |
SGM➣Senior General Manager (various organizations) |
SGM➣Sovereign Grace Ministries |
SGM➣Strategic Growth Market (various companies) |
SGM➣Small Group Ministry |
SGM➣Standard Generalized Markup (file extension) |
SGM➣San Gabriel Mountains (California) |
SGM➣Sleepytime Gorilla Museum (band) |
SGM➣Shanghai General Motors |
SGM➣Scottish Geographical Magazine (Royal Scottish Geographical Society; UK) |
SGM➣Stained Glass Museum (Ely Cathedral, England, UK) |
SGM➣Solow Growth Model (economic model) |
SGM➣Sagamore (Mic-O-Say, Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America) |
SGM➣Standard Gross Margin |
SGM➣Steering Group Meeting (various organizations) |
SGM➣Scripture Gift Mission (now: Lifewords UK) |
SGM➣Sol-Gel Materials |
SGM➣St. George Marathon (Utah) |
SGM➣Small Group Multicast (computer protocol) |
SGM➣Sensitive Gestalt Massage (New Zealand) |
SGM➣Sine-Gordon Model (mathematics) |
SGM➣Secret Gospel of Mark |
SGM➣Sawgrass Mills (Florida mall) |
SGM➣Sea Gallantry Medal (UK) |
SGM➣State-Graph Manipulator |
SGM➣Single Gay Male |
SGM➣Second Generation Modem |
SGM➣Super Grandmaster |
SGM➣Self Guarded Manganese (railway frog) |
SGM➣Sortie Generation Model |
SGM➣Site-Wide Groundwater Model |
SGM➣Spiral Growth Manufacturing (University of Liverpool) |
SGM➣Sandwich Glass Museum (Sandwich, MA, USA) |
SGM➣Safeguard Memory |
SGM➣Strategic Guidance Memorandum |
SGM➣Systematic Generator Matrix/Matrices |
SGM➣Society of Gesture Makers |
SGM➣Selling Group Member |
SGM➣Systems Group Manager |
SGM➣Schweizer Gesellschaft für Meteorologie (Swiss Meteorological Society) |