BioMeDical Package

BioMeDical Package

(language, library, statistics)(BMDP) A statistical languageand library of over forty statistical routines developed in1961 at UCLA, Health Sciences Computing Facility underDr. Wilford Dixon. BMDP was first implemented in Fortranfor the IBM 7090. Tapes of the original source weredistributed for free all over the world.

BMDP is the second iteration of the original BIMED programs.It was developed at UCLA Health Sciences Computing facility,with NIH funding. The "P" in BMDP originally stood for"parameter" but was later changed to "package". BMDP usedkeyword parameters to defined what was to be done rather thanthe fixed card format used by original BIMED programs.

BMDP supports many statistical funtions: simple datadescription, survival analysis, ANOVA, multivariate analyses, regression analysis, and time series analysis.

BMDP Professional combines the full suite of BMDP Classic(Dynamic) release 7.0 with the BMDP New System 2.0 Windowsfront-end.

BMDP from Statistical Solutions.