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re·fran·gi·ble R0119100 (rĭ-frăn′jə-bəl)adj. Capable of being refracted: refrangible rays of light. [From Latin refringere, to refract (influenced by refract).] re·fran′gi·bil′i·ty, re·fran′gi·ble·ness n.refrangible (rɪˈfrændʒɪbəl) adj (General Physics) capable of being refracted[C17: from Latin refringere to break up, from re- + frangere to break] reˌfrangiˈbility, reˈfrangibleness nre•fran•gi•ble (rɪˈfræn dʒə bəl) adj. capable of being refracted, as rays of light. [1665–75] re•fran′gi•ble•ness, re•fran`gi•bil′i•ty, n. Translations
refrangible capable of being refracted refrangible[ri′fran·jə·bəl] (physics) Capable of being refracted. refrangible
refrangible [re-fran´jĭ-b'l] susceptible of being refracted.re·frac·ta·ble (rē-frak'tă-bĕl), Subject to refraction. Synonym(s): refrangiblerefrangible (rē-frăn′jĭ-bl) [L. re, again, + ME. frangible, breakable] Capable of being refracted. |