

S0307200 (shăb′ē)adj. shab·bi·er, shab·bi·est 1. a. Showing signs of wear and tear; threadbare or worn-out: shabby furniture.b. Dilapidated or deteriorated in condition, especially through neglect; seedy: a shabby little park.2. Wearing threadbare clothing.3. a. Despicable; mean: a shabby trick.b. Not generous or just; unfair: shabby treatment.c. Of mediocre or substandard quality.
[From obsolete shab, scab, from Middle English schab, from Old English sceabb.]
shab′bi·ly adv.shab′bi·ness n.
Adv.1.shabbily - so as to appear worn and threadbare or dilapidated; "a shabbily dressed man"
2.shabbily - in a mean and ungenerous manner; "the two were haggling shabbily in the drawing-room"


(ˈʃӕbi) adjective1. looking old and worn. shabby curtains; shabby clothes. 破舊的 破旧的2. wearing old or dirty clothes. a shabby old man; He used to be so smart but he looks shabby now. 衣衫襤褸的 衣衫褴褛的3. (of behaviour) unworthy or mean. That was a shabby thing to do. 卑鄙的,低劣的 卑鄙的,低劣的 ˈshabbily adverb 破舊地,衣衫襤褸地,卑鄙地 卑鄙地,衣衫褴褛地,不体面地 ˈshabbiness noun 破舊,衣衫襤褸,卑鄙 卑鄙,衣衫褴褛,不体面