Association for the Rebirth of Vietnam

Association for the Rebirth of Vietnam


an anti-imperialist organization of Vietnamese political émigrés, founded in February 1912 in China by the revolutionary democrat Phan Boi Chau. Its goal was to expel the French colonialists from Vietnam and establish a democratic republic. The association formed military units from among exiled students and the mountain people inhabiting the border region between Vietnam and China; these units often resorted to terrorist acts. During World War I the association organized armed uprisings in several regions of Vietnam, the largest of which was the Thai Nguyen Uprising. The repression of the French security police decimated the association, and it was disbanded in 1924.


Mkhitarian, S. A. Rabochii klass i natsional’no-osvoboditel’noe dvizhenie vo V’etname (1885–1930). Moscow, 1967. Pages 70–79, 87–97. 18–731–1]