

see Timothy, SaintTimothy, Saint,
d. c.100, early Christian, addressee of two books of the New Testament. The son of a Greek father and a Jewish mother, he was the friend and companion of St. Paul. He became first bishop of Ephesus and, according to tradition, was martyred there.
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(tĭmō`thēəs), c.450–c.357 B.C., Greek poet and musician of Miletus. An innovator in music, he added a string to the kithara. Fragments of his dithyrambs and nomes remain. Euripides wrote the prologue for his Persae, a lyric nome.


fl. 4th cent. B.C., Greek sculptor of Athens, recorded as one of the sculptors who worked with Scopas on the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. About 375 B.C., according to an inscription, he furnished models for sculptures on the temple of Asclepius at Epidaurus and executed acroteria (decorative figures placed above the pediments) for this building.