TIMSTraffic and Incident Management System (various locations)
TIMSThermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
TIMSThe Institute of Management Sciences
TIMSTransportation Information Management System
TIMSThermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner
TIMSThe International Molinological Society
TIMSTransmission Impairment Measurement Set (telecommunications)
TIMSTraining Information Management System
TIMSTuberculosis Information Management System
TIMSTechnical Information Management System
TIMSTraining Integration Management System (US DoD)
TIMSTraveler Information Management System (North Carolina Department of Transportation)
TIMSTransmission Impairment Measuring Set
TIMSTabbin Institute for Metallurgical Studies
TIMSTrain Integrated Management System
TIMSTelecommunications Instructional Modeling System (laboratory teaching environment)
TIMSTelephone Information Management System
TIMSTrade Information Management System (customs IT systems)
TIMSThermal Infrared Mapping Spectrometer
TIMSTechnology Independent Messaging Specification
TIMSTactical Information Management System
TIMSTexas Information Management System
TIMSTest Information Management System
TIMSTransmission Impairment Measurement System
TIMSText Information Management System
TIMSTreaty Information Management System
TIMSTFCC Information Management System
TIMSTelemetry Information Management System (ground-based support systems for flight test equipment)
TIMSTOSS Information Management System
TIMSToolroom Inventory Management System
TIMSTactical Flag Command Center Information Management Services
TIMSTest Interactive Management System
TIMSTesco Internet Management System
TIMSTBSAC (Treasury Board Secretariat Advisory Committee) Information Management Subcommittee (Canada)