

单词 shade



S0308500 (shād)n.1. Light diminished in intensity as a result of the interception of the rays; partial darkness.2. Cover or shelter provided by interception by an object of the sun or its rays: sat in the shade under the tree.3. The part of a picture or photograph depicting darkness or shadow.4. a. A gradation of a color as it is mixed with black or is decreasingly illuminated: shades of gray.b. A slight difference or variation; a nuance: shades of meaning. See Synonyms at nuance.c. A small amount; a trace: detected a shade of bitterness in her remarks.5. a. Any of various devices used to reduce or screen light or heat: closed the window shades.b. shades Informal Sunglasses.6. shadesa. Dark shadows gathering at dusk: "The shades of night are falling fast" (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow).b. The abode of the dead; the underworld: went to the shades of hell.7. a. A disembodied spirit; a ghost.b. shades A present reminder of a person or situation in the past: shades of my high-school days.v. shad·ed, shad·ing, shades v.tr.1. To screen from light or heat: Trees shaded the street.2. To obscure or darken: "A sliver of mustache shaded his upper lip" (Michael Finkel).3. a. To represent degrees of shade or shadow in: shade a drawing.b. To produce (gradations of light or color) in a drawing or picture: shaded the pink in the sunset.4. To change or vary by slight degrees: shade the meaning.5. To make a slight reduction in: shade prices.v.intr. To pass from one quality, color, or thing to another by very slight changes or degrees.Idiom: a shade A little bit; slightly: a sprinter who was a shade quicker that the rest.
[Middle English, from Old English sceadu.]
shad′er n.


(ʃeɪd) n1. relative darkness produced by the blocking out of light2. a place made relatively darker or cooler than other areas by the blocking of light, esp sunlight3. a position of relative obscurity4. something used to provide a shield or protection from a direct source of light, such as a lampshade5. (Art Terms) a darker area indicated in a painting, drawing, etc, by shading6. (Colours) a colour that varies slightly from a standard colour due to a difference in hue, saturation, or luminosity: a darker shade of green. 7. a slight amount: a shade of difference. 8. literary a ghost9. an archaic word for shadow10. put in the shade to appear better than (another); surpassvb (mainly tr) 11. to screen or protect from heat, light, view, etc12. to make darker or dimmer13. (Art Terms) to represent (a darker area) in (a painting, drawing, etc), by means of hatching, using a darker colour, etc14. (also intr) to change or cause to change slightly15. (Commerce) to lower (a price) slightly[Old English sceadu; related to Gothic skadus, Old High German skato, Old Irish scāth shadow, Greek skotos darkness, Swedish skäddä fog] ˈshadeless adj



n., v. shad•ed, shad•ing. n. 1. the comparative darkness caused by the screening of rays of light from an object or area. 2. a place or an area of comparative darkness, as one sheltered from the sun. 3. window shade. 4. lampshade. 5. shades, a. darkness gathering at the close of day. b. Informal. sunglasses. c. a reminder of something: shades of the Inquisition. 6. comparative obscurity. 7. the disembodied spirit of a dead person, esp. an ancestor. 8. the degree of darkness of a color, determined by the quantity of black or by the lack of illumination. 9. a dark part of a picture or drawing. 10. a slight amount or degree: a shade of difference; coffee with a shade of cream. 11. anything used for protection against excessive light, heat, etc. 12. a shadow. v.t. 13. to produce shade in or on. 14. to obscure, dim, or darken. 15. to screen or hide from view. 16. to protect by or as if by a screen. 17. a. to introduce degrees of darkness into (a drawing or painting) in order to render light and shadow or give the effect of color. b. to render the values of light and dark on (a drawn figure, object, etc.), esp. in order to create an illusion of three-dimensionality. 18. to change by imperceptible degrees. 19. to reduce (a price) by degrees. v.i. 20. to change by slight graduations. [before 900; (n.) Middle English s(c)hade, Old English sceadu (see shadow); c. Old Saxon skado, Old High German scato, Gothic skadus, Greek skótos] shad′er, n. shade′less, adj.


– shade1. 'shadow'

A shadow is a dark shape made on a surface when something stands between a light and the surface.

The tree cast a shadow over the garden.

If a place is dark because something prevents light from reaching it, you can say that it is in shadow.

The whole valley is in shadow.
2. 'shade'

You refer to an area that is dark and cool because the sun cannot reach it as the shade.

They sat in the shade and read.I moved my chair into the shade.


Past participle: shaded
Gerund: shading
I shade
you shade
he/she/it shades
we shade
you shade
they shade
I shaded
you shaded
he/she/it shaded
we shaded
you shaded
they shaded
Present Continuous
I am shading
you are shading
he/she/it is shading
we are shading
you are shading
they are shading
Present Perfect
I have shaded
you have shaded
he/she/it has shaded
we have shaded
you have shaded
they have shaded
Past Continuous
I was shading
you were shading
he/she/it was shading
we were shading
you were shading
they were shading
Past Perfect
I had shaded
you had shaded
he/she/it had shaded
we had shaded
you had shaded
they had shaded
I will shade
you will shade
he/she/it will shade
we will shade
you will shade
they will shade
Future Perfect
I will have shaded
you will have shaded
he/she/it will have shaded
we will have shaded
you will have shaded
they will have shaded
Future Continuous
I will be shading
you will be shading
he/she/it will be shading
we will be shading
you will be shading
they will be shading
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been shading
you have been shading
he/she/it has been shading
we have been shading
you have been shading
they have been shading
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been shading
you will have been shading
he/she/it will have been shading
we will have been shading
you will have been shading
they will have been shading
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been shading
you had been shading
he/she/it had been shading
we had been shading
you had been shading
they had been shading
I would shade
you would shade
he/she/it would shade
we would shade
you would shade
they would shade
Past Conditional
I would have shaded
you would have shaded
he/she/it would have shaded
we would have shaded
you would have shaded
they would have shaded
Noun1.shade - relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque bodyshade - relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body; "it is much cooler in the shade"; "there's too much shadiness to take good photographs"shadiness, shadowinesssemidarkness - partial darknessshadow - shade within clear boundaries
2.shade - a quality of a given color that differs slightly from another colorshade - a quality of a given color that differs slightly from another color; "after several trials he mixed the shade of pink that she wanted"tint, tincture, tonecolor, coloring, colouring, colour - a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect; "a white color is made up of many different wavelengths of light"mellowness - a soft shade of a color; "a mellowness of light and shade not attainable in marble"richness - a strong deep vividness of hue; "the fire-light gave a richness of coloring to that side of the room"tinge, undertone - a pale or subdued color
3.shade - protective covering that protects something from direct sunlight; "they used umbrellas as shades"; "as the sun moved he readjusted the shade"lamp shade, lampshade - a protective ornamental shade used to screen a light bulb from direct viewparasol, sunshade - a handheld collapsible source of shadeprotective cover, protective covering, protection - a covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury; "they had no protection from the fallout"; "wax provided protection for the floors"sun visor - a shade (sometimes of green mica) affixed above the windshield of an automobile
4.shade - a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude; "without understanding the finer nuances you can't enjoy the humor"; "don't argue about shades of meaning"nuance, subtlety, nicety, refinementmeaning, signification, import, significance - the message that is intended or expressed or signified; "what is the meaning of this sentence"; "the significance of a red traffic light"; "the signification of Chinese characters"; "the import of his announcement was ambiguous"
5.shade - a position of relative inferiority; "an achievement that puts everything else in the shade"; "his brother's success left him in the shade"inferiority, lower rank, lower status - the state of being inferior
6.shade - a slight amount or degree of difference; "a tad too expensive"; "not a tad of difference"; "the new model is a shade better than the old one"tadsmall indefinite amount, small indefinite quantity - an indefinite quantity that is below average size or magnitude
7.shade - a mental representation of some haunting experienceshade - a mental representation of some haunting experience; "he looked like he had seen a ghost"; "it aroused specters from his past"ghost, specter, wraith, spectre, spookfantasm, phantasm, phantasma, phantom, shadow, apparition - something existing in perception only; "a ghostly apparition at midnight"
8.shade - a representation of the effect of shadows in a picture or drawing (as by shading or darker pigment)representation - a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something
Verb1.shade - cast a shadow overshade off, shadowdarken - make dark or darker; "darken a room"
2.shade - represent the effect of shade or shadow onfill inartistic creation, artistic production, art - the creation of beautiful or significant things; "art does not need to be innovative to be good"; "I was never any good at art"; "he said that architecture is the art of wasting space beautifully"paint - make a painting; "he painted all day in the garden"; "He painted a painting of the garden"draw - represent by making a drawing of, as with a pencil, chalk, etc. on a surface; "She drew an elephant"; "Draw me a horse"crosshatch - shade with multiple crossing lines; "the draftsman crosshatched the area"
3.shade - protect from light, heat, or view; "Shade your eyes when you step out into the bright sunlight"block out, screen - prevent from entering; "block out the strong sunlight"
4.shade - vary slightly; "shade the meaning"shade - pass from one quality such as color to another by a slight degree; "the butterfly wings shade to yellow"alter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
5.shade - pass from one quality such as color to another by a slight degree; "the butterfly wings shade to yellow"change - undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night"shade - vary slightly; "shade the meaning"


noun1. hue, tone, colour, tint The walls were painted in two shades of green.2. shadow, cover, screen, shadows, shelter, coolness, shadiness Exotic trees provide welcome shade.3. dash, trace, hint, suggestion, suspicion, small amount, semblance There was a shade of irony in her voice.4. nuance, difference, degree, graduation, subtlety, gradation, modulation the capacity to convey subtle shades of meaning5. screen, covering, cover, blind, curtain, shield, veil, canopy She left the shades down and the lights off.6. (Literary) ghost, spirit, shadow, phantom, spectre, manes, apparition, eidolon His writing benefits from the shade of Lincoln hovering over his shoulder.plural noun1. sunglasses, dark glasses, Raybans (trademark) Wearing shades on the beach allowed them to ogle people undetected.verb1. darken, shadow, cloud, dim, cast a shadow over, shut out the light a health resort whose beaches are shaded by palm trees2. cover, protect, screen, hide, shield, conceal, obscure, veil, mute You've got to shade your eyes or close them altogether.3. turn, transmute, change gradually As the dusk shaded into night we drove slowly.put something or someone in the shade outshine, exceed, eclipse, outdo, overshadow, surpass, transcend, outclass, outshine, make pale by comparison a run that put every other hurdler's performance in the shade


noun1. Comparative darkness that results from the blocking of light rays:penumbra, shadow, umbra, umbrage.2. The degree of vividness of a color, as when modified by the addition of black or white pigment:gradation, hue, tinge, tint.3. The property by which the sense of vision can distinguish between objects, as a red apple and a green apple, that are very similar or identical in form and size:color, hue, tint, tone.4. A slight variation between nearly identical entities:gradation, nuance.5. A slight amount or indication:breath, dash, ghost, hair, hint, intimation, semblance, shadow, soupçon, streak, suggestion, suspicion, taste, tinge, touch, trace, whiff, whisper.Informal: whisker.6. A supernatural being, such as a ghost:apparition, bogey, bogeyman, bogle, eidolon, ghost, phantasm, phantasma, phantom, revenant, shadow, specter, spirit, visitant, wraith.Informal: spook.Regional: haunt.verb1. To shelter, especially from light:screen, shadow.2. To make dark or darker:adumbrate, darken, shadow.3. To make a slight reduction in (a price):shave, trim.


(ʃeid) noun1. slight darkness caused by the blocking of some light. I prefer to sit in the shade rather than the sun. 蔭,陰涼處 荫,阴凉处 2. the dark parts of a picture. light and shade in a portrait. 陰影 阴影部分3. something that screens or shelters from light or heat. a large sunshade; a shade for a light. 遮光物 遮光帘4. a variety of a colour; a slight difference. a pretty shade of green; shades of meaning. 色調,細微差別 (色彩的)浓淡,(意义的)细微差别 5. a slight amount. The weather is a shade better today. 少許 少许 verb1. (sometimes with from) to shelter from light or heat. He put up his hand to shade his eyes. 遮蔽 遮蔽2. to make darker. You should shade the foreground of that drawing. 加上陰影 使阴暗3. (with into) to change very gradually eg from one colour to another. 顏色逐漸轉變 色彩渐变ˈshaded adjective (of parts of a picture) made darker. 加上陰影的 加上阴暗的shades noun plural (especially American) sunglasses. (尤在美國)太陽眼鏡 太阳眼镜ˈshading noun (in a picture etc) the marking that shows the darker parts. (繪畫) 明暗法 (绘画中的)明暗 ˈshady adjective1. sheltered or giving shelter from heat or light. a shady tree; a shady corner of the garden. 成蔭的 荫凉的,背阴的 2. dishonest. a shady business. 不正當的 可疑的ˈshadiness noun 陰涼,不正當 荫凉,可疑性 put in the shade to cause to seem unimportant. She is so beautiful that she puts her sister in the shade. 使遜色 使逊色




made in the shade

In a comfortable position in life, usually due to some manner of financial success or windfall. I can't believe they sold their company for billions—they're made in the shade now! If you're born into a wealthy family, you're made in the shade while the rest of us struggle.See also: made, shade


slang Subtle insults or expressions of disapproval. I was just checking my phone for a second when Joe totally threw shade at me, saying, "Some of us don't need to be glued to our phones every minute of the day." My mom is the queen of shade. She loves to say, "Is that really what you're going to wear?"

throw shade

slang To subtly issue insults or expressions of disapproval. I was just checking my phone for a second when Joe totally threw shade at me, saying, "Some of us don't need to be glued to our phones every minute of the day." My mom is the queen of throwing shade. She loves to say, "Is that really what you're going to wear?"See also: shade, throw

put (someone or something) in the shade

To make someone or something seem less interesting, important, or remarkable by comparison. I was really proud of my presentation, but Jonathan's put everyone else's in the shade. The fantastic performance by the Ugandan runner put his opponents in the shade.See also: put, shade

shades of (someone or something)

A reminder, reminiscence, or approximation of someone or something in the past or another person or thing. She lined up the shot and got a perfect bull's-eye—shades of her former passion for marksmanship. He took a moment to collect himself after his outburst. "Shades of my father," he muttered to himself.See also: of, shade

in the shade

In a state or position of inferiority, inadequacy, or unimportance relative to something else. As always, my good grades were put in the shade by my brother's football achievements. The new detective drama, with its ingenious setup and fantastic lead actress, casts every other thriller on TV in the shade.See also: shade

a shade (something)

Somewhat; a little bit; slightly. The software update should make is a shade easier to search for the information you need. I think we should use a mixture that's a shade thinner.See also: shade

a shade of (something)

A particular hue of a given color. I think we should paint this room a light shade of green.See also: of, shade

a shade

A bit; a small amount. Her paper was a shade better than yours, that's why she got an A- while you got a B+.See also: shade

shade in

To darken some specified area of an image. A noun or pronoun can be used between "shade" and "in." I spent nearly an hour just shading in the upper lip of this portrait I'm working on. For every donation we receive, the teacher will shade an area in on this graph.See also: shade

shade into (something)

To transition, pass, or cross over from one state, condition, or characteristic into another in gradual increments or degrees. The band has a synthetic, 1980s kind of sound that shades into more modern electronic music popular in Europe. The film, though set in a fictional, dystopian future, presents themes and situations that shade uncomfortably into real life.See also: shade


slang Sunglasses. Short for "sunshades." A: "Cool shades!" B: "Thanks! I found them in a vintage shop." I think spending more than $20 on a pair of shades is absolute lunacy, yet I know people who've spent upwards of $200!See also: shade

have (got) it made in the shade

To be in a comfortable position in life, usually due to some manner of financial success or windfall. I can't believe they sold their company for billions—they have it made in the shade now! If you're born into a wealthy family, you've got it made in the shade while the rest of us struggle.See also: have, made, shade

have it made in the shade

 and have got it made in the shadeSl. to have succeeded; to be set for life. Wow, is he lucky! He has it made in the shade. Sarah's got it made in the shade with her huge inheritance.See also: have, made, shade

shades of someone or something

Fig. reminders of someone or something; a thing that is reminiscent of someone or something. When I met Jim's mother, I thought "shades of Aunt Mary." "Shades of grade school," said Jack as the university lecturer rebuked him for being late.See also: of, shade

shades of

A reminder of a person or situation in the past. For example, He really played a fine game for a fifty-year-old-shades of his high school triumphs, or They found themselves alone on the beach-shades of their childhood summers together. [Mid-1800s] See also: of, shade

put someone/something in the shade

If one person or thing puts another in the shade, they are so impressive that they make the other person or thing seem unimportant or less good by comparison. Such was her beauty that even in her sixties, she managed to put younger women in the shade. The celebrations are so fantastic they would put Mardi Gras in the shade. Note: Shade here means the shadow or darkness produced by blocking the light. See also: put, shade, someone, something

shades of someone/something

If you have just mentioned a person or thing and you say shades of another person or thing, you mean that the first person or thing reminds you of the second one. MacDowell stars in a thriller as the wife of a criminal who has faked his death. Shades of The Third Man, perhaps? The debate was brought forward by a week, in an effort to prevent the protest planned for it by the students' leaders. Shades of 1968? Note: `Shade' is an old word for `ghost'. See also: of, shade, someone, something

in (or into) the shade

in (or into) a position of relative inferiority or obscurity.See also: shade

a shade —

a little —. informal 1984 Armistead Maupin Babycakes Shall we go a shade lighter…Pink it up a bit? See also: of, shade

shades of —

used to suggest reminiscence of or comparison with someone or something specified. The sense of shade alluded to here is ‘shadow’ or ‘ghost’. 1991 Cordelia Mansall Discover Astrology Perhaps it is shades of the way your mother had to reject her own brilliance. You have a very fine brain which you tend to put down. See also: of, shade

put somebody/something in the ˈshade

(informal) be much better or more successful than somebody/something: The new player really puts the rest of the team in the shade. OPPOSITE: cannot hold a candle to somebody/somethingSee also: put, shade, somebody, something

shade in

v.1. To represent degrees of shade or shadow in some drawing or picture, so as to give the illusion of depth: The artist shaded in the contours of the model's face in the portrait.2. To darken some bounded area that is drawn or printed on a surface: The teacher shaded in the area where the circles overlapped with yellow chalk. I'm going to shade in the left side of this drawing with crosshatches to make it darker.See also: shade

shade into

v. To pass from one quality, color, or thing to some other by very slight changes or degrees: The hues of the pink sunset shaded into purple.See also: shade

have it made in the shade

tv. to have succeeded; to be set for life. (Have got can replace have.) Wow, is he lucky! He has it made in the shade. See also: have, made, shade


n. dark glasses. (see also sunshades.) Where are my shades? The sun is too bright. See also: shade

a shade

A little bit; slightly: a sprinter who was a shade quicker that the rest.See also: shade



1. a darker area indicated in a painting, drawing, etc., by shading 2. a colour that varies slightly from a standard colour due to a difference in hue, saturation, or luminosity


[shād] (optics) The color of a mixture of pigments or dyes which has some black pigment or dye in it.


1. A material hung from, and coiled on, a ratcheted spring-activated roller; used to provide privacy, to darken a room, or to reduce the amount of sunlight striking a window. 2. The result of the addition of a black dispersion to a mixture of white and color. 3.See shading and blending.4.See shade screen.


SHADESexual Health and Disability Education (various locations)
SHADEShared Data Environment
SHADESexual Health Awareness and Disease Education (Boynton Health Service; University of Minnesota)
SHADESouthwest Horticulture Annual Day of Education
SHADESuperhuman Advanced Defense Executive (DC Comics)
SHADESojourner Help, Advocacy, Development Education (Cape Town, South Africa)
SHADEShared Data Engineering (COE DII)


  • all
  • noun
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for shade

noun hue


  • hue
  • tone
  • colour
  • tint

noun shadow


  • shadow
  • cover
  • screen
  • shadows
  • shelter
  • coolness
  • shadiness

noun dash


  • dash
  • trace
  • hint
  • suggestion
  • suspicion
  • small amount
  • semblance

noun nuance


  • nuance
  • difference
  • degree
  • graduation
  • subtlety
  • gradation
  • modulation

noun screen


  • screen
  • covering
  • cover
  • blind
  • curtain
  • shield
  • veil
  • canopy

noun ghost


  • ghost
  • spirit
  • shadow
  • phantom
  • spectre
  • manes
  • apparition
  • eidolon

noun sunglasses


  • sunglasses
  • dark glasses
  • Raybans

verb darken


  • darken
  • shadow
  • cloud
  • dim
  • cast a shadow over
  • shut out the light

verb cover


  • cover
  • protect
  • screen
  • hide
  • shield
  • conceal
  • obscure
  • veil
  • mute

verb turn


  • turn
  • transmute
  • change gradually

phrase put something or someone in the shade


  • outshine
  • exceed
  • eclipse
  • outdo
  • overshadow
  • surpass
  • transcend
  • outclass
  • make pale by comparison

Synonyms for shade

noun comparative darkness that results from the blocking of light rays


  • penumbra
  • shadow
  • umbra
  • umbrage

noun the degree of vividness of a color, as when modified by the addition of black or white pigment


  • gradation
  • hue
  • tinge
  • tint

noun the property by which the sense of vision can distinguish between objects, as a red apple and a green apple, that are very similar or identical in form and size


  • color
  • hue
  • tint
  • tone

noun a slight variation between nearly identical entities


  • gradation
  • nuance

noun a slight amount or indication


  • breath
  • dash
  • ghost
  • hair
  • hint
  • intimation
  • semblance
  • shadow
  • soupçon
  • streak
  • suggestion
  • suspicion
  • taste
  • tinge
  • touch
  • trace
  • whiff
  • whisper
  • whisker

noun a supernatural being, such as a ghost


  • apparition
  • bogey
  • bogeyman
  • bogle
  • eidolon
  • ghost
  • phantasm
  • phantasma
  • phantom
  • revenant
  • shadow
  • specter
  • spirit
  • visitant
  • wraith
  • spook
  • haunt

verb to shelter, especially from light


  • screen
  • shadow

verb to make dark or darker


  • adumbrate
  • darken
  • shadow

verb to make a slight reduction in (a price)


  • shave
  • trim

Synonyms for shade

noun relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body


  • shadiness
  • shadowiness

Related Words

  • semidarkness
  • shadow

noun a quality of a given color that differs slightly from another color


  • tint
  • tincture
  • tone

Related Words

  • color
  • coloring
  • colouring
  • colour
  • mellowness
  • richness
  • tinge
  • undertone

noun protective covering that protects something from direct sunlight

Related Words

  • lamp shade
  • lampshade
  • parasol
  • sunshade
  • protective cover
  • protective covering
  • protection
  • sun visor

noun a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude


  • nuance
  • subtlety
  • nicety
  • refinement

Related Words

  • meaning
  • signification
  • import
  • significance

noun a position of relative inferiority

Related Words

  • inferiority
  • lower rank
  • lower status

noun a slight amount or degree of difference


  • tad

Related Words

  • small indefinite amount
  • small indefinite quantity

noun a mental representation of some haunting experience


  • ghost
  • specter
  • wraith
  • spectre
  • spook

Related Words

  • fantasm
  • phantasm
  • phantasma
  • phantom
  • shadow
  • apparition

noun a representation of the effect of shadows in a picture or drawing (as by shading or darker pigment)

Related Words

  • representation

verb cast a shadow over


  • shade off
  • shadow

Related Words

  • darken

verb represent the effect of shade or shadow on


  • fill in

Related Words

  • artistic creation
  • artistic production
  • art
  • paint
  • draw
  • crosshatch

verb protect from light, heat, or view

Related Words

  • block out
  • screen

verb vary slightly

Related Words

  • shade
  • alter
  • change
  • modify

verb pass from one quality such as color to another by a slight degree

Related Words

  • change
  • shade




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