

S0308500 (shād)n.1. Light diminished in intensity as a result of the interception of the rays; partial darkness.2. Cover or shelter provided by interception by an object of the sun or its rays: sat in the shade under the tree.3. The part of a picture or photograph depicting darkness or shadow.4. a. A gradation of a color as it is mixed with black or is decreasingly illuminated: shades of gray.b. A slight difference or variation; a nuance: shades of meaning. See Synonyms at nuance.c. A small amount; a trace: detected a shade of bitterness in her remarks.5. a. Any of various devices used to reduce or screen light or heat: closed the window shades.b. shades Informal Sunglasses.6. shadesa. Dark shadows gathering at dusk: "The shades of night are falling fast" (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow).b. The abode of the dead; the underworld: went to the shades of hell.7. a. A disembodied spirit; a ghost.b. shades A present reminder of a person or situation in the past: shades of my high-school days.v. shad·ed, shad·ing, shades To screen from light or heat: Trees shaded the street.2. To obscure or darken: "A sliver of mustache shaded his upper lip" (Michael Finkel).3. a. To represent degrees of shade or shadow in: shade a drawing.b. To produce (gradations of light or color) in a drawing or picture: shaded the pink in the sunset.4. To change or vary by slight degrees: shade the meaning.5. To make a slight reduction in: shade prices.v.intr. To pass from one quality, color, or thing to another by very slight changes or degrees.Idiom: a shade A little bit; slightly: a sprinter who was a shade quicker that the rest.
[Middle English, from Old English sceadu.]
shad′er n.


(ˈʃeɪdə) nanything or anyone that shades