释义 |
reg 1 (rĕg)n. Informal A regulation.
reg 2 (rĕg)n. An extensive, hard desert surface consisting of wind-polished gravel lying on alluvial soil and cemented together by mineralized solutions. [Maghrebi dialectal Arabic, from Arabic riqq, ruqq, from raqqa, to be thin, fine; see rqq in Semitic roots.]Reg. queen. [< Latin rēgīna] reg. 1. regent. 2. region. 3. register. 4. registered. 5. registrar. 6. registry. 7. regular. 8. regularly. 9. regulation. 10. regulator.
reg1. slang A shortening of "regulation." Its pronunciation rhymes with "leg." The government wants to impose so many regs on our business that we'll never be able to turn a profit. Any new reg will be posted outside my door, so be sure to check there often.2. slang A shortening of "registration," referring to the vehicle registration plates on the front and back of a car. Its pronunciation rhymes with "edge." Primarily heard in UK. That car almost hit us! Did anyone see the number on the reg?3. slang A shortening of "regular." Used almost exclusively in the phrase "on the reg," meaning regularly. Its pronunciation rhymes with "leg." I used to go there on the reg, but I've been busy.on the regslang A shortening of "on the regular," meaning regularly. I used to go there on the reg, but I've been busy.See also: on, regregs n. regulations. There is a list of regs posted on the back of your door. See also: regreg
reg[reg] (geology) An extensive, nearly level, low desert plain from which fine sand has been removed by wind, leaving a sheet of coarse, smoothly angular, wind-polished gravel and small stones lying on an alluvial soil, strongly cemented by mineralized solutions to form a broad desert pavement. Also known as gravel desert. RegAbbr. for “regular.”
REG1. On drawings, abbr. for register. 2. On drawings, abbr. for regulator.REG
Acronym | Definition |
REG➣Register | REG➣Regular | REG➣Region | REG➣Regulation | REG➣Registry (Microsoft Windows file extension) | REG➣Regarding | REG➣Registration | REG➣Regina (Latin: Queen) | REG➣Renewable Energy Generation (various locations) | REG➣Race, Ethnicity and Gender | REG➣Regal Entertainment Group | REG➣Recovered Energy Generation (power plants) | REG➣Rationeel Energiegebruik (Dutch: Rational Energy Use; Belgium) | REG➣Reggie Miller | REG➣Registry File | REG➣Richard E. Grant (actor) | REG➣Real Escape Game | REG➣Random Event Generator | REG➣Research Equipment Grant (various organizations) | REG➣Real Estate Guys (radio show) | REG➣Reed Electronics Group (Reed Elsevier Group) | REG➣Rural Enterprise Gateway (UK) | REG➣Referring Expression Generation | REG➣Reggio Calabria, Italy - Tito Menniti (Airport Code) | REG➣Rotor Excitation Generator (electricty) | REG➣Golden Redfish | REG➣Reno Evening Gazette | REG➣Radioencephalogram | REG➣Répertoire des Entreprises du Canton de Genève (French: Business Directory of Geneva; Switzerland) | REG➣Regulate/Regulated/Regulating'Regulator | REG➣Regular Electronic Giving (Lutheran Laypeople's League of Australia, Inc.) | REG➣Reservatory for Endangered Games | REG➣Range, Ephemeris, GMT |