trachomatous keratitis


, pl.


(pan'ŭs, pan'ī), A membrane of granulation tissue covering a normal surface:1. The inflammatory synovial tissue found in rheumatoid joints that covers the articular cartilages that progressively destroys the underlying articular cartilages; also found in other chronic granulomatous disease, including tuberculosis.
See also: corneal pannus.
2. The cornea in trachoma.
See also: corneal pannus.
[L. cloth]

cor·ne·al pan·nus

(kōr'nē-ăl pan'ŭs) Fibrovascular connective tissue that proliferates in the anterior layers of the peripheral cornea in inflammatory corneal disease, particularly trachoma in which the pannus involves the superior cornea.


, pl. panni (pan'ŭs, -ī) 1. A membrane of granulation tissue covering a normal surface. 2. The articular cartilages in rheumatoid arthritis and in chronic granulomatous diseases such as tuberculosis. 3. The cornea in trachoma.
See also: corneal pannus
[L. cloth]

trachomatous keratitis

A form of chlamydial keratitis. See: pannusSee also: keratitis