Statistical Radio Physics

Statistical Radio Physics


the branch of radio physics devoted to the study of fluctuation effects in the generation, emission, propagation, and reception of radio waves. In a broader sense, statistical radio physics encompasses investigations of statistical regularities in oscillatory and wave processes, for example, coherence and problems of signal-noise interaction in nonlinear systems. The practical importance of statistical radio physics stems from the important, and in many cases decisive, role played by fluctuations at the main stages of information transmission in, for example, radar systems, radio-navigation systems, and radio-communication systems.

Electrical fluctuations due to fundamental physical processes in matter are responsible for voltage and current fluctuations in radio receivers. Current and voltage fluctuations are unavoidable in real oscillators and determine the maximum attainable monochromaticity and frequency stability of oscillators in radio transmitting devices. Fluctuation phenomena in the propagation of radio waves in the atmosphere are a result of irregular, fluctuational changes in the refractive index of the troposphere and ionosphere.

The concepts and methods of statistical radio physics are coming into use in optics.


Rytov, S. M. Vvedenie v statisticheskuiu radiofiziku. Moscow, 1966.
Van der Ziel, A. Fluktuatsii v radiotekhnike i fizike. Moscow, 1958. (Translated from English.)
Malakhov. A. N. Fluktuatsii v avtokolebatel’nykh sistemakh. Moscow, 1968.
Tatarskii, V. I. Rasprostranenie voln v turbulentnoi atmosfere. Moscow, 1967.