

T0449900 (tĭ-răn′ĭ-kəl, tī-) also ty·ran·nic (-răn′ĭk)adj.1. Of or relating to a tyrant or tyranny: a tyrannical government.2. Characteristic of a tyrant or tyranny; despotic and oppressive: a tyrannical supervisor. See Synonyms at dictatorial.
ty·ran′ni·cal·ly adv.ty·ran′ni·cal·ness n.


(ˈtairənt) noun a cruel and unjust ruler. The people suffered under foreign tyrants. 專制統治者,暴君 专制统治者,暴君 tyrannical (tiˈrӕnikəl) adjective , tyrannous (ˈtirənəs) of or like a tyrant. a tyrannical ruler; His actions were tyrannous. 暴君的,專制的,殘暴的 暴君的,专制的,残暴的 tyˈrannically, ˈtyrannously adverb 專制地 专制地tyrannize, tyrannise (ˈti-) verb to rule or treat (a person or people) cruelly and unjustly. He tyrannizes his family. 施行暴政 施行暴政ˈtyranny (ˈti-) noun an action, or the method of ruling, of a tyrant. People will always resist tyranny. 暴政 暴政