Reggio Calabria

Reg·gio di Ca·la·bri·a

R0124100 (rĕj′ē-ō dē kä-lä′brē-ä, rĕd′jō) also Reggio Calabria A city of extreme southern Italy on the Strait of Messina opposite Sicily. Founded by Greek colonists in the late eighth century bc, it suffered frequent invasions because of its strategic location.

Reg•gio Ca•la•bri•a

(ˈrɛdʒ oʊ kəˈlɑ bri ə, ˈrɛdʒ iˌoʊ)
n. a seaport in S Italy, on the Strait of Messina. 178,094. Also called Reg′gio di Cala′bria (di)