Sagit Agish
Agish, Sagit
(Sagit Ishmukhametovich Agishev). Born Jan. 7 (20), 1905, in the village of Isyangildy, present-day Orenburg Oblast. Soviet Bashkir writer. Member of the CPSU since 1944.
Agish began to publish in 1925. His poetry collection Our Laughter (1928) showed the influence of V. V. Mayakovsky. In his books of short stories and novellas According to Circumstances (1933), The Toady (1935), In the House of Muödzin (1940), Makhmutov (1940), and others, Agish emerged as a humorist and satirist. He showed the new life of a kolkhoz village in the novella Yeghettär (1939). During the war years, he published The Horseman Ilmîrdha (1942), To the Front (1943), and Akhmadülla (1944). He is the author of the novel Foundation (1950) and the novella Fellow Countrymen (1964), which depicts the youthful years of M. Zhälil. Agish also writes for children.
[Aghish, Sägit.]Äthärdhär:Ös tomda. Ufa, 1955–58.Khikäyälär, ithtäleklär. Ufa, 1962. A novella.
In Russian translation:
Fundament. Moscow, 1953.
Makhmudov. Moscow, 1966.
Zemliaki. Ufa, 1966.
Äbsälämova, F. Sägit Aghish izhadï. Ufa, 1964.S. G. SAFUANOV