Software in the Public Interest, Inc.

Software in the Public Interest, Inc.

(company)(SPI) A non-profit corporation which helpsorganisations develop and distribute open hardware and open software. SPI's goals are:

* to create, form and establish an organization to formulateand provide software systems for use by the general publicwithout charge;

* to teach and train individuals regarding the use andapplication of such systems;

* to hold classes, seminars and workshops concerning theproper use and application of computers and computer systems;

* to endeavor to monitor and improve the quality of currentlyexisting publicly available software;

* to support, encourage and promote the creation anddevelopment of software available to the general public;

* to provide information and education regarding the properuse of the Internet;

* to organize, hold and conduct meetings, discussions andforums on contemporary issues concerning the use of computersand computer software;

* to foster, promote and increase access to software systemsavailable to the general public;

* to solicit, collect and otherwise raise money and to expendsuch funds in furtherance of the goals and activities of thecorporation;

* to aid, assist, cooperate, co-sponsor and otherwiseengage in concerted action with private, educational andgovernmental organisations and associations on all issuesand matters concerning the use of computers and computersoftware and;

* generally to endeavor to promote, foster and advanceinterest in computers and computer software by all availablemeans and methods.

SPI currently supports Berlin, Debian, GNOME, LSB,Open Source.

SPI Home.