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ventriculography (vɛnˌtrɪkjʊˈlɒɡrəfɪ) n1. (Medicine) radiography of the ventricles of the heart after injection of a contrast medium2. (Medicine) radiography of the ventricles of the brain after injection of air or a radiopaque materialTranslationsventriculography
ventriculography [ven-trik″u-log´rah-fe] 1. radiography of the cerebral ventricles after introduction of air or other contrast medium. This study is no longer used to examine the brain; being replaced by CT and MRI.2. radiography of a ventricle of the heart after injection of a contrast medium.first pass ventriculography first pass radionuclide angiocardiography.gated blood pool ventriculography equilibrium radionuclide angiocardiography.radionuclide ventriculography radionuclide angiocardiography.ven·tric·u·log·ra·phy (ven-trik'yū-log'ră-fē), 1. Radiographic demonstration of the cerebral ventricles by direct injection of air or contrast medium; developed and described by Dandy in 1918. Compare: pneumoencephalography. 2. Demonstration of the contractility of the cardiac ventricles by recording serially the distribution of intravenously injected radionuclide or that of radiographic contrast medium injected through an intracardiac catheter. [ventriculo- + G. graphē, a writing] ventriculography Imaging Imaging of cerebral or cardiac ventricles. See Radionuclide ventriculography. ven·tric·u·log·ra·phy (ven-trik'yū-log'ră-fē) 1. Demonstration of the contractility of the cardiac ventricles by serially recording the distribution of intravenously injected radionuclide or that of radiographic contrast medium injected through an intracardiac catheter. 2. Visualization by roentgenography of a cardiac ventricle by injection of radiopaque contrast material. [ventriculo- + G. graphē, a writing] |