Propaganda Film
Propaganda Film
(agitational film), a short film on topical problems, vividly journalistic in style. Propaganda films were disseminated in the USSR during the Civil War and military intervention. Propaganda films reflected the important moments of the struggle of the Red Army and the economic construction of the young Soviet republic; they explained the pressing contemporary political tasks. From 1918 to 1920, 80 propaganda films were released. The most notable propaganda films include Uplotnenie (Efficient Planning; 1918, directed by A. P. Panteleev, D. Kh. Pash-kovskii, and A. Dolinov), Na krasnom fronte (On the Red Front; 1920, directed by L. V. Kuleshov), and Serp i molot (The Hammer and Sickle; 1921, directed by V. R. Gardin).