Said Suleimanovich Baduev
Baduev, Said Suleimanovich
Born 1904, in Groz-nyi; died Dec. 20, 1943. Soviet Chechen writer.
Baduev wrote the novellas Hunger (1930) and The Fiery Mountain (1930). In 1930 he published the collection of stories and novellas The Adat. Baduev described the national oppression of the past and called for a struggle against religious prejudices and the adat. He also wrote the plays The Red Fortress (1930), which is about the heroic struggle of the Chechen and Ingush peoples during the Civil War, The Golden Lake, and Political Division (1934). His novel Petimat (1930) protests against the enslavement of mountain women. In 1935, Baduev published the collection of poems Our Garden.
Kha’rzhinarsh. Groznyi, 1960.Povestash, düuarsh, p’esash. Groznyi, 1964.
In Russian translation:
Za bol’shevistskii sev: P’esa. Groznyi, 1932.
Petimat. Groznyi, 1930.
Ognennaia gora. Groznyi, 1967.