Tarkovskii, Arsenii
Tarkovskii, Arsenii Aleksandrovich
Born June 12 (25), 1907, in Elizavetgrad, now Kirovograd. Soviet Russian poet and translator.
Tarkovskii studied in the Higher Literature Courses from 1925 to 1929. During the Great Patriotic War (1941–45) he worked for an army newspaper. He began publishing in 1926. The lyrics in Tarkovskii’s books Before the Snow (1962), The Terrestrial Belongs to the Earth (1966), and The Herald (1969) affirm the integrity of man’s spirituality, which is related to history and the present day. Tarkovskii’s translations from Turkmen, Kara-Kalpak, Georgian, and Arabic are well known. Tarkovskii has also written a number of articles about poetry and problems of translation. He was awarded the Makhtumkuli State Prize of the Turkmen SSR in 1971, the Order of the Red Star, and several medals.
Stikhotvoreniia. (Foreword by M. Aliger.) Moscow, 1974.REFERENCES
Stepanov, N. “Poeziia bespokoinoi mysli.” Moskva, 1967, no. 4.Urban, A. “Konflikty v poezii Arseniia Tarkovskogo.” Zvezda, 1966, no. 11.
Runin, B. “Vlast’ slova.” Voprosy literatury, 1967, no. 5.
Filippov, G. “Pereklichka pamiati s sud’boiu.” Zvezda, 1970, no. 7.